Sciatica Cure

4 Topics Found

Is this a medicine to cure disease or is it simply paliative for pain and lack of movement? ## Nucleo Cmp Forte is noted to be used for the following: "Treatment of osteoarticular source neuropathies (sciatica, radiculitis, etc.), Metabolic (diabetes polyneuritis, alcohol, etc.), Infection (herpes zoster) and frigore. Facial neuralgia, trigeminal, intercostal, lumbago." NOTE: the above info was translated from spanish to english, so please excuse any grammatical errors. To my understanding this medication is not a cure, but more so a palliative option, as you mentioned, to help keep symptoms at bay. I hope this info helps! ## Is Decilone forte for arthritis? ## I have numbnees expecially at night when am asleep. It is associated with severe pain making vry difficult to sleep.was...

5 REPLIES Filed under Arthritis

My mom is taking diclofenac sodium 50mg each night before sleep for sciatica from past 5 years. Unfortunately, we could not seek a permanent treatment or any other better medicine for this disorder. Now, I want that she could be able to withdraw from it because I think it can cause serious side effects in prolong use. How she can withdraw from it and what are other best options to cure her disorder? ## Hello, Reet! How is your mom doing? This is not a habit forming medication, it is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, so she should be able to just stop taking it, as long as her doctor approves. However, as warned by the FDA, it may cause some rebound pain and diarrhea, if she stops it. As to her sciatica, whether or not anything can cure or help it depends on the root cause. Has she ever ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Diclofenac

After 6 Flagyl tablets of 500mg the Dentist said the medication was no longer necessary and two days later having consumed some wine (when you should stay away from it for 3 days) an acute back pain developed and continued each day by getting worse. It spread to my left thigh, speculating sciatica. Fortunately, my wife prescribed a homeopathic remedy of Arnica and Hypericum; Thereafter, the Homeopath prescribed Rhus Tox. With Rhus Tox 30C the leg pain disappeared within the day while the back pain continued to lessen each day alternating between Rhus Tox and Hypericum combined with Arnica and it took about two weeks for complete relief which was sought through homeopathy. The effects of Flagy is diabolical. Don't ever take it; it causes more problems than it cures.

Filed under Flagyl

i have sciatica prob for past 1 month is tht tendocare tablet is good for to cure tht pain pls ans me im suffring :(

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