Precaution Of Ecosprin 75

4 Topics Found

i am age of 55 year my BP is 130/94 i take medicine of s.numlo 2.5 doctor increase the same madicine.He suggested me to take ecosprin 75 just for precaution / safe side. is it neccessary? should i take it . if so , should i take for life long. or it can be stop. ## dosage & frequency of the tab


I am 58 years old, As a precaution and prescibed by a Medical Doctor (usually used for its blood thinning) for the last two and half years I have been taking Ecosprin 75 mg at bed time, I am fine carrying good helath, very active too. Now I have stopped to use this medicine ( sine Dec-13) because I have noticed the following. 1. Knee pains for the last 8 months. 2. Severe Gastro Problem (suffered alot) . 3. severe pain in Foot Muscle (bottom layer) 4. Prostate is enlarging. Now shifted to another pill. ## Taking ecosprin AV75 since last 7 months regularly But 2 weeks before my prostate surgery has been done n since then i am not taking it .Should iI start again or not

1 REPLY Filed under Blood Thinner (Anticoagulant)

Doctor has advised me to take Ecosprine 75 mg tablet daily as my Rubella IgG value is 220.0 IU/ml...I am 34 yr female trying to conceive. will this medicine be effective fr the raised results of rebulla igG,plz advise if any other precaution is to be taken.waiting for a speedy reply

Doctor advised me to take 75mg clopid tablet after angeoplasty on me.For what? ## Clopid contains the active ingredient Clopidogrel, this is used to help prevent clotting. It can cause side effects, such as nausea, bleeding and neutropenia. Read more: ## my doc prescribed clopid 75 for 5 days along with ecosprin 150 and ismo 20 it was only as precaution he said as all my tests for heart problem showed negative should the medication continue ?

2 REPLIES Filed under Clopidogrel

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