Peach Color Round Within A On One Side And 30 The Other

1 Topic Found

I agree with you 100% about them not seemig to work. I thought it was just me. I've been presiscribed for 10 years and the meds have always helped. They turned my life around. Until my pharmacy started carrying these weird crescent symbol 28 pills. I don't know what or why but they don't seem to work at all for me. ## I agree totally I have been on the 30s for years now and never had a problem. These do not work at all!! ## Concerning the differences in efficacy, my theory is that it's more than likely due to whatever discrepancies are found within the list of inactive ingredients, since that's usually the only thing that changes when you switch from one manufacturer's tablet to another. The round orange/peach-colored 30mg Adderall tablet by Actavis (With a Natio...

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