Olimelt 5 Mg

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clonozepam and propranolol hydrochloride tablets ## This medication, Petril Beta, combines Clonazepam and Propranolol to help treat anxiety and panic disorder. Learn more Clonazepam details here. Learn more Propranolol details here. Did you have any specific questions about it? ## how to stop the medicine ## Doctor pescribed me Petril Beta 10mg. I want to know for what purpose Petril Beta is advised. ## Dear Sir, I have been Petril Beta 10mg using since 2 years, including Omitan H 50mg Tab. (B.P) Tab. Morining both, and night also Dosulepin 25 mg Tab. since 2 year B.P. also Normal but both side body pain also full side effect, what do it further my age is 50 years. ## My doctor advised me to take Petril beta 10 3 times per day, olimelt 2.5 and nexito 5 at night.... I smoke 1 to 2 cigare...

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