No Longer Making Brand Wellbutrin

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FYI: The drug manufacturer Watson bought out Activist. Watson "made a business decision" to no longer produce the Watson generic brand of Wellbutrin and only produce the Activist version. Watson was the brand that worked for me (I've tried many) so it's unfortunate they have made this business decision. I've called the company to request they continue to manufacture the Watson version. Anyone going through the same situation may want to call Watson 1-800-272-5525. *** if anyone takes a generic that doesn't work they should notify the F.D.A. 1-855-543-3784. ## Thank you for sharing this info Trace. Ever since Actavis bought out Watson, it seems like most of their meds have all started to go down hill. I mean if they're making these kinds of business decisions ...

36 REPLIES Filed under Wellbutrin

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