
3 Topics Found

expired in November 2009. Still effective? Toxic? ## HI, Duke! How are you? No, opiates aren't known to become toxic or dangerous once expired, but they do lose effectiveness. After so many years, it is most likely worthless and you should just dispose of it. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Why thank you Verwon. Pain management is a challenge here in Mexico. The latest is that there is no morphine available. Since I have been taking 180 mg daily, down from 300, for many years, finding alternatives is a task. Currently Endocodil, oxycodina, is the solution but it is five times as expensive and not quite as through. I am from Toronto, but living at Lake Chapala in the mountains of southwest Mexico. Where are you writing from? ## Not in my experience I know someone who had 2...

3 REPLIES Filed under Nalbuphine

I had been getting Nalbuphine from Mexico twice per year. I'm in S. Texas. Last there in October 2020. Now told I need Dr's Rx to bring across. Is anyway I can get prescribed online? I have been taking for years off and on. ## Just wanted to say wow , I don’t see many ppl who even know what Nubian is. I was wondering if it was still being used

1 REPLY Filed under Nalbuphine

I have been prescribed diclofenaco for arthritis. I have used it twice, thinking the first reaction might be caused by something else.After 2 mos. I tried it again (1 pill,, 100mgs.) and, again, within a couple of hours acquired excruciating muscle pain in my legs. Also increased joint pain. This lasted for about 11 hrs., and was relieved only by an injection of , first, temgesic ( synthetic morphine) which took the edge off for a little while, and then Nalbufina (this is in Mexico).My doctor does not seem to believe that the diclofenaco could be resposible and I was` wondering if anyone has had a similar reaction. ## There are always people who react that way to some drugs, none of them work for everyone and some cause quite the opposite effect of what they are supposed to. ## Yes I ha...

2 REPLIES Filed under Diclofenac

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