Motion After Every Meal With Pain

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my problem is thatt i've been having stomach pains for a while now, took buscopen tablets they've helped me relax the pain but later it would come back. What risk am I in? ## Have you seen a doctor to discover what is causing the problem? If it is an infection, it will likely require an antibiotic to treat it, by fighting the infection. The Butylscopolamine is not an antibiotic and will do nothing for that. As to any risk or danger, it depends on what is causing the problem, which is why you need to consult a doctor. ## Hi doctor . I have been. Stomah ache couple hur ago .which medican csn I use ## after eating food from a restaurant, complains of stomach ache and loose motion after every meal. ## There is pain in my stomach at the starting place of stomach So please suggest me ...


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