Mobic Generics

1 Topic Found

I have had similar side effects to taking Gleevec and Meloxicam. What compounds are the same in these two meds that I am allergic to. Mainly, severe facial swelling. Thank you. ## I recently had a pharmacist look up possible similarities in Gleevec and Meloxicam and they were magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide, and microcrystalline cellulose. ALL are fillers in medications. Supposedly, pharmaceutical companies use cheaper fillers in generic meds. But neither of these meds are generics. Does anyone know anything about microcrystalline cellulose?? As to its source?? ## Hello, Janet! How are you? Meloxicam is a generic, the name brand for it is Mobic. But I've never heard anything about them using 'cheaper' fillers, there is a certain list of them they can choose from that are...

3 REPLIES Filed under Gleevec

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