Menabol Use Result

1 Topic Found

I want to know more about menabol...I wish to go the health club as my body is slim and I want to gain a little more weight. Please advise. ## Hi Nimmy, Menabol contains the active ingredient Stanozolol, which is an anabolic steroid used to stimulate bone and muscle growth. There are however, a number of undesirable side effects that may occur as a result of taking this type of drug. For this reason I would highly recommend discussing safe dosing protocols and administration with your doctor or health-care provider before moving forward with treatment. Protein powder may be a "safer" option for building more muscle mass and losing body fat; but in essence, it all comes down to your diet and exercise habits. With proper dieting and regular exercise, there is really no need to sup...

34 REPLIES Filed under Stanozolol

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