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2 Topics Found

Is it sold in toronto, canada? ## Hi Maria, Because Piascledine is not an actual Rx or OTC drug, just an herbal "supplement" (that contains extracts of soybean and avocado) touted to treat various conditions such as osteoarthritis, I'm not able to find any specific details on it's availability in Canada. I located a small article of information possibly pertaining to it's manufacturer, if you're interested in having a look: In the meantime I would also suggest asking your local health food store about its availability or any other similar products. Then again, if the product just contains avocados and soybeans, you could just consume more of that in your everyday diet, right? I hope this helps!


Started taking this med yesterday due to possible uti, woke up this morning with watery diarrhea is this normal ## Hi Marianne, From what I've researched, watery diarrhea is listed as a side effect that should be reported to your doctor immediately. I realize today is Christmas and many doctors are on vacation during the holidays, so hopefully your symptoms aren't very severe? However I'd still encourage you to call your doctor anyways, since that's what the drug monograph recommends when it comes to certain symptoms. Ref: Hope this helps!

1 REPLY Filed under Trimethoprim

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