Lifezar Side Effect

1 Topic Found

treatment for hypertension ## Is there any posibilty of elevated blood potassim level for the person using the Losar H Tablet for BP ## it is good to take a lifezar losartan after exercise and it is best to take in morning or lunch ## using tozaar-h .for more than five years .what are the common side effects ..for how long we can use. i am 32 years .i am using it since 5 years ## received losartan potassium pill that were orange or pink. I have always had white pill round or oblong. Is tis the correct medcine? ## Ive been taking Losartan Pot 50 mg for 2 yrs. Since taking these I've been drowsy all day after taking them. Can I take it in the evenjng instead or is this a serious side affect. I'm 73 yrs. of age.

5 REPLIES Filed under Losartan

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