
3 Topics Found

side effects of the medicine and its effectiveness. ## Dr told me to took Glycomet gp4 forte along with istavel50mg & also istamet 50. i confuused as both istamet & istavel r same. plz gv a valuable sug at an earlier. ## Rabindra, Glycomet_GP 4 contains the active ingredients Metformin and Glimepiride, both of which have been proven effective at helping to lower blood sugar in people that are diabetic. You can learn more Glimepiride details here and more Metformin details here. Samrat, no those two medications are not exactly the same. Istavel contains the active ingredient Sitagliptin. Here where you can learn more Istavel details. But Istamet combines the Sitagliptin with Metformin, which I've already linked to above. The side effects of these types of medications are very...

2 REPLIES Filed under Metformin

I am using/taking following drugs daily:- 1. glycomet gp-2 3tabs. (1+ 1/2 ) bds B/F & Dinner 2. volix 1*3 1 tds 1@ B/F,LUNCH ,DINNER 3. Gemer 2 1*2 1 BDS 1 @ lUNCH & DINNER 4 AMLOPRESS AT 50/5 1OD 1@ B/F ## APRIGLIM MV - 2 MODLIP-ASG75 LTK-AM NEXITO FORTE VOLIX - M 0.3 mg ISTAVEL 100mg


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