Is Zerodol P Used For Throat Infection

3 Topics Found

Sir,from januwari 2018 I am suffering from pain in my right tonsil .after consulting with several doctors of ENT some were declared that it is tonsil enlarged and some were as ferengyties .after treatment with them one doctor advice me operation of tonsil .last 9 month I am painful position and fooding as I feel hunger......... Please help me by your valuable advice to complete cure.

Dear Doctor I am 24th week (6 months) Pregnant and facing a problem. My teeth colour is going to black and yellow, very pain and swelling in rel." to lower ant. region. Gingival hyperplasia in rel" to upper and lower ant. ...i don't Know what is the reason.......Doctor advice me to take this table.....Please help doctor.....thanks ## Dr has advised ZerodolP for throat infection.What are it's side effects. ## i injured my toe yesterday n today my pharmacist sold me Zerodol-P for pain relief...i suspect i am 3 weeks it safe to use zerodol-P? ## Hi i thing you didn't take this medicine because you are pregnant and it's contain aceclofenac. and it's not helpful while pregnancy. so i think you have to consult with another doctor. please advise if you ...

4 REPLIES Filed under Aceclofenac

Want to know the uses and side effects of zerodol tablets. ## The active ingredient in Zerodol is Aceclofenac, this is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, used to relieve pain and swelling. Side effects may include: nausea, headache, dizziness and stomach irritation. Is there anything else I can help with? ## what is the action of Zerodol tabs, uses and side effect? ## can I take Zeradol for fever around 100 F insted uf Paracetamol? ## can I take Zeradol for fever around 100 F instead of Paracetamol? ## Hi. For the last 4 days I've been feeling pain while swallowing food and drinks, due to what may be a throat infection. Is zerodol-p useful for me? ## Is there any difference between Zerodol M and Zerodol MR? My doctor has advised me to take Zerodol M, so I am confused. Please advise m...

12 REPLIES Filed under Aceclofenac

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