I Need To Get Zopaclone

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Small round white pill with ML imprinted on both sides ## Pharmacy ## Need to know what is a white pill marked ML. No other imprints. ## i found a small circle pill with ML on one side thats it ...it does not have anything else on it no scores or lines just the ML on one side ## ML ON BOTH SIDES NO OTHER IMPRINTS ## my psychiachrist gave me some of these dintint tell me what they where and it dindt have a label on it so Could u tell me the name its a small white pill round ML on both sides before that it took a blue oval pill Labeled APO and named somthing like poxaclone or somthing i cant remember but i know that my all meds labbeled APO made me sleppy and made me see things ## I Mean Zopaclone thats what i used to take But If any one knows the name of this uknown ML pill Plese email m...


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