How To Take Vega 100

44 Topics Found

what is vega 100 ## what is the effective of vega-100 that is for male or famel to use. complete information about. ## From what I have been able to uncover, Vega Power 100 is a brand of Sildenafil Citrate tablets 100 mg. Essentially the same active ingredient as in Viagra. Whether it works or not, I would not be able to say. For more information about this drug you can see the page for Sildenafil Details. Do you have any other questions or information to add? Please post back if you do... ## side affects of vega 100 ## What are the side effects and complications of Vega 100 men who Ayaanon any health problems ## How do I get the distinction between the Vega 100 original and counterfeit I hope to send me answer in Arabic if possible and if it can not send it in English ## for more infor...

7 REPLIES Filed under Sildenafil

What is the dose of Vega 100 that I need to take & at what intervals (days/weekly). Is it advisable for someone with hypertension? ## Can anyone tell me how to use Vega? Please also describe the number of doses in a day or in a week... ## I've been taking vega 100 tablets, but it has not had any affect on my libido... ## In my preliminary investigation, it's been stated by some medical institutions that patients who have hypertension should avoid sildenafil citrate (the active ingredient in Vega / Viagra). However, upon digging deeper into this topic, there are also clinical studies by NIH and Harvard University suggesting that it's not only safe for hypertensive patients to take sildenafil citrate, but more-over that it even helps treat high blood pressure: [1] ncbi.nlm...

3 REPLIES Filed under Sildenafil

how many doxycycline do i take a day for tooth aches abbsecess swelling dont have my bottle ## Hello, Prissy! How are you? Usually, it's taken twice a day for the duration of the treatment period, but your pharmacy will have it on file and can tell you what directions your doctor provided. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Hw should I take Vega 100mg is .it with water.t thanks

2 REPLIES Filed under Doxycycline

Can i use vega 100 table on daily basis? can you reply me about any side effect? ## any side effect of vega 100 tablet ## Vega contains the active ingredient Sildenafil. In clinical trials, the most common adverse effects of sildenafil use included headache, flushing, dyspepsia, nasal congestion and impaired vision, including photophobia and blurred vision. Some sildenafil users have complained of seeing everything tinted blue (cyanopsia). Some complained of blurriness and loss of peripheral vision. In July 2005, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration found that sildenafil could lead to vision impairment in rare cases and a number of studies have linked sildenafil use with nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy. Other possible side effects can include: heartburn diarrhea flushin...

2 REPLIES Filed under Sildenafil

i wana know about vega 100 does it have side effects if we need it then in how much quantity we can use it. ## i wana know about vega 100 does it have side effects if we need it then in how much quantity we can use it. ## Yes I have used it before it is the same as viagra as as the same active ingredient. I used some last night lol ## how we improve our timing if i eat vega tablets than we we improve my timing ## Upon using the vega 100 do they affect the fertility ## i want to know the side effect of vega 100 ## is there any side affects for using vega 100 once in 2 or three months ## WHICH ARE THE SIDE EFFECTS OF USING VEGA 100

7 REPLIES Filed under Viagra

samply send the save the lequied ## what is side effect of vega 100 ## when i take vega 100 i feel that all the white light changes its color to light blue and need to ask about its side effects as i am suffering from heart disease and diabetic type B too......! ## Please let me know the side effects sertee 100

3 REPLIES Filed under Heart (Cardiac)

please i like to know the side effect of vega100, cos i use it twice a week, and now am use to taken it before intercourse. ## Hello, Lima! How are you? Vega is a foreign brand name for Viagra, which contains the active ingredient Sildenafil, it is used to treat ED. Its side effects may include nausea, dizziness, runny nose and blurry vision. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Viagra

Please tell the mode of action of this medicine and side effects? ## This appears to be a foreign name brand for Sildenafil, commonly sold in the U.S. under the name Viagra and used to treat erectile dysfunction. It helps regular blood flow. Common side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, priapism and nasal congestion. Read more here: Do you have any other questions?

1 REPLY Filed under Sildenafil

I just wanted to know if we women could take the vega 100 and if it wud work for us just as fine as our man? ## Is it safe to use vega regularly? ## I wanted to know if women can also use vega 100 and what's going to happen if she uses it?

2 REPLIES Filed under Women's Health / Fertility

Does vega 100 affect fertility? ## After Using Vega 100 tablet twice, I noticed that my genitialia dose'nt respond naturaly anymore except when I use the tablet. I want to stop Using the tablet and perform Naturaly. What will I do? Because it's trying to make me feel Depressed and I dont want to Use tablets anymore...... ## Can excessive use of vega 100 kill and does it lead to impotency? ## i think poison control would do. and remember to keep it away from children next time ## I want to knw when and to administer vega 100. Can i take it one daily even when not having intercourse. Does it cure "EDF"? or just to enhance only when having intercourse? ## I would also like to know the effects of vega 100 because I am using it. ## Try using guarana for impotency ## Will ther...

14 REPLIES Filed under Antidepressant

Can vega 100 cause a long term effect? Like impotency? ## Based on my research, Vega (Sildenafil Citrate) is actually prescribed to treat impotency (ED). And although "impotency" itself is not listed as a side effect, I do occasionally hear stories about some of these types of medications backfiring and having somewhat of an opposite effect on the user. It's probably not something that's uncommon, but it sounds like your best bet would be to ask your doctor about other alternative male enhancement options if this one isn't working the way it should be. You can learn more about this drug on the page for Sildenafil Details I hope this helps! ## How do I get a prescription for Vega 100 in the USA? ## I m taking 200g of Vega per day in one use. What is the side effect?

3 REPLIES Filed under Sildenafil

How safe is it to use vega 100 regularly? ## Although Vega 100 (Sildenafil Citrate) is considered to be safe for many people, it is recommended that a thorough medical examination should be done to determine whether it is safe for extended or frequent regular use before starting your treatment. Side effects are usually to be expected with most prescription drugs, so I would also remain aware of the possibility of these symptoms while taking Vega 100: • headache • heartburn • diarrhea • flushing (feeling of warmth) • nosebleeds • difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep • numbness, burning, or tingling in the arms, hands, feet, or legs • muscle aches • changes in color vision (seeing a blue tinge on objects or having difficulty tel...

4 REPLIES Filed under Sildenafil

its use and side effects ## Sildenafil is commonly sold in the US under the trade name Viagra, it is used to treat erectile dysfunction and some cases of high blood pressure. Common side effects may include: nausea, headache, runny nose and flushing. You can read more on it here: Is there anything else I can help you with? ## i use vega 100 properly in week,when i started it, i was took 1 tablet in a week but i had been feeling headache on the top side during the intercourse and so disturbed and i saw different colors ,so i reduce my dose in half but same conduction,now i take quarter but its function not better,while i used the half of table it function better but feel headache.Please sir advice me what can i do . ## i am ptcl ofreter ## sir, i have know about your product Sildenafil, ...

13 REPLIES Filed under Sildenafil

Maiden's Vega-100 Tablets Complete information ## could you please tell me if this product help to slow down a premature ejection during intercourse. Many thanks ## Sorry, I am unable to find information on this. ## From what I have been able to uncover, Vega Power 100 is a brand of Sildenafil Citrate tablets 100 mg, possibly in India. Essentially the same active ingredient as in Viagra. Whether it works or not, I would not be able to say. For more information about this drug you can see the page for . Do you have any other questions or information to add? Please post back if you do... ## please let me know did vega100 has side effect on male sperms. means to say by using it , this will damage to sperms. ## I found this product to cause facial flushing and almost extreme muscle ache...

11 REPLIES Filed under Sildenafil

MAY I KNOW WHAT THE SIDE EFFECT OF VAGA 100 ARE PLEASE ## Vega 100 contains the active ingredient Sildenafil, commonly sold in the U.S. under the brand name VIagra and used to treat ED. Side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, stuffy nose and priapism. Are there any other questions?

1 REPLY Filed under Sildenafil

here guys i found something as I am also going thru what u are all going thru. I need a dr who will prescribe, fentanyl patches 100mg, 14 a month, soma 240mg 4 a day, and oxycodone 30mg 4 a day, xanax. this has always done well for me too, i hate that other ppl have abused them. I feel that ppl who dont have problems with them should continue to get them with no problems. ## Unfortunately, doctor's hands are tied on these matters, due to the new regulations that were set forth by DEA last year. They are restricted on how much they can prescribe of any given controlled substance and why they can prescribe it. I understand your frustration, but you're not going to be able to go into a new doctor and ask for specific medicati...

4 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

I have been seeing a doc for 4 yrs for pain management who put me on 100 mg. Methadone. He left his practice and his replacement won't prescribe methadone. I have called multiple pain management docs who will not take me at this mg level. I have tried everything else before and need a LAS VEGAS area doc who will see me soon. ## In a way, you may be creating your own problem here. If you are calling other doctors and asking if they will prescribe Methadone at your current dosage level, then just about all of them are going to say no. The reason for this is due to the fact that doing so is considered drug seeking behavior and doctors are warned to avoid taking on such patients. The best thing you can do is to make an appointment with a new doctor for a consultation and make sure that ...

8 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

I am 40 years old. I am suffering from diabetes and hypertention. I am being give following medicines, In morning Tellzy 80, Gluconorm-g 4 forte and in evening Nebilong, Metofix-xl 1000. I am over weight, is there any safe medicine to loss my weight? ## Sanjeev, have you consulted your doctor? When it comes right down to the real facts, the safest and healthiest way to lose weight is by using a proper diet and exercise. In addition, due to your health conditions, you need to check with your doctor, before adding any medications. Since you have hypertension, stimulant medications, such as Phentermine can be dangerous and may worse such conditions! ## @Sanjeev Kumar, If you're referring to type 2 diabetes there is scientific evidence that proves a low fat, raw vegan diet can reverse a...

2 REPLIES Filed under Phentermine

My hematologist wants to switch me off warfarin for one of these three medications - Eliquis, Pradaxa, or Xarelto. I have a history of CVT and a chronic blood condition. Bottom line, whatever he switches me to, I'm likely on it for a long time unless I have complications. But that's the thing. I seem to always be the person who has the ultra-rare side effect that no one ever reads on the fact sheet. So I'm asking, which of these three is tolerated the best? While I've been on warfarin I've gained nearly 60 lbs. I'm vegan. I ride centuries (100mi bike rides). As a result of all the weight gain, other health issues are becoming more pressing. Arthritis, muscle aches, the threat of diabetes, not to mention what it's done to my self-esteem and marriage. I have ab...

11 REPLIES Filed under Xarelto

Blue pill diamond shaped, 100 on one side, looks like viagra ## What is Nizagara tablets ## While I cannot be certain of what these actually contain, they are supposed to be a foreign version of Viagra. ## can you let me know how much it cost me to get nizagra ? is it possible to send it to australia without perscription? ## yes it is a kind of viagra ## My husband just ordered Nizagara, Viagra does it work? ## I bought this version Sildenafil Citrate tablets - VEGA in Lagos, Nigeria. They must be the same as Viagra. ## I am screened for my job and I am wondering if this will affect it? ## is nizagara safe as viagara ## nizagara is generic viagra, yes it works just fine ## have taken genuine viagra for years. usually get 100 mg pills and bite off half, which is more than enough. recentl...

12 REPLIES Filed under Sildenafil

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