How To Take Metformin

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When is the best time to take it? Can you take it with meal? ## Hello, Andrea! How are you? You should take it as directed by your doctor. Usually, it should be taken just before a meal, so it has the chance to start working to control your blood sugar, by the time you are digesting your food and will experience the most fluctuations. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, flatulence and hypoglycemia. Is there anything else I can help with? ## May i know which medicine should be taken before breakfast..Formet or glymepiride ? Thank you ## What has your doctor advised? Usually, they all should be taken, before a meal.

3 REPLIES Filed under Metformin
Metformin Drug Index

Metformin, sold under the brand name Glucophage, among others, is the first-line medication for the treatment of type 2 diabetes,[6][7][8] particularly in people who are overweight.[9] It is also used in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome.[6] It is not associated with weight gain[10] and is taken by mouth.[6] It is sometimes used as an off-label augment to attenuate the risk...

What is the difference between Metformin 93 7214 and Metformin g45? ## I need to know about how many types of Metformin there are. When I take the metformin from Walgreen, it works perfect with Me, but when I tke the metformin bought at Prescrptions Solutions, bothers My stomect and give Me all kinds of digestic problems. The metformin I get from walgreen is G G MF3 the one from prescriptions Solutions is G45. I tihink, that this two medicins, though are the same name, they are not made the same way, there must be a difference betwenn the two of them. ## All 3 of the mentioned tablets contain 1,000mgs of Metformin, an antidiabetic medication. The only difference is the manufacturer. That said, the FDA does allow there to be a difference in the active ingredient of up to plus or minus 20...

2 REPLIES Filed under Metformin

long white oval pill, 500 on one side, 4435 on other side ## The pill in description is Metformin hydrochloride extended release (500 mg); which is an oral anti-diabetic drug in the biguanide class. You can view a detailed description of the drug, by clicking on the link below... If you have any more questions or comments to add, please post back so I can further assist you.

1 REPLY Filed under Metformin

White, oval pill. 500 on one side, hourglass and 4435 on other side. My question is: is the the extended release form of Metformin? I'm getting different results, and in past the pills have said XR500. Thanks fo ryour help. ## Yes, since you were obviously already looking at the regular online databases and getting conflicting information, I checked it out in a professional database that I use just so I can answer questions here like this, and yes, it is the extended release version, 500mgs. ## Thanks for that, Vernon. Guess it's just me! D ## LOL! No, not just you, many people have trouble finding the exact information they are seeking on a pill, the internet doesn't make it easy. That is why I am here, and what my job is, to help find the info when someone else has trouble...

3 REPLIES Filed under Metformin

jalra 500 and gluformin G1 forte gives me extreme flatulence and cramps in the back, suffering very badly with bloating and loss of taste for food, dizziness and blurring of the eyes. What do i take in combination with jalra 500 if taken alone gives me extreme constipation? I am allergic to metformin so i need help badly. No doctor seems to understand that.

Filed under Metformin

Pills were found on the ground & an open medicine bottle with the name torn off. Found on school property. How should I dispose of them? ## Hello, Kat! How are you? Th FDA disposal instructions say that they should be mixed with some undesirable substance, such as damp used coffee grounds or dirty cat litter, placed in a sealed container such as a coffee can and then disposed of with your regular garbage. Alternatively, you can take them to any pharmacy and they will dispose of them for you. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Pharmacies may no longer do that. When my husband died, I tried to take his meds to our CVS for disposal, but they wouldn't take them. I did the kitty litter thing (it doesn't have to be "dirty" kitty litter). The hospice nurse said to m...

2 REPLIES Filed under Metformin

I too have taken 850 mg Zyd tabs dispensed from Walmart. My A1c went from 6.0 to 7.1 with no change in diet and exercise. They also have an odd taste. I just switched to 850 mg made by Sun dispensed from Medco/Express scripts and after 3 days my Glucose is now back to the 120's. For me I found Zyd ineffective. There are differences in the generics. If one brand doesn't work for you try another before you give up on Metformin altogether. ## You are correct, there can be differences and that does make them less effective for some people. You may want to double check in the future, when you get a refill, to make sure that you don't get the one from Zydus, again. Is there anything I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Metformin

70 Z in not for me. Stomach pain and muscle pain in thighs. Doctor tookl me of. Adverse reacttion ## Did u recover from metformin withdrawals how long did u suffer many withdrawal side effects my friend stopped cold turkey muscle pains diahorrea leaking kidney headaches ear plugged.blood sometimes with toilet diahorera.stomach cramps does this all go

1 REPLY Filed under Metformin

im from canada. im here visiting. im a diebectic type 2. i have been using mefformin hcl 500. im done with my pills but have metformin a 12. are they both the same pills? ## Hello, Rosemary! How are you? Yes, the tablets with that marking contain 500mgs of a regular release Metformin. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I just got a refill of my metformin HCL 500 mg tabs and noticed a very strong odor coming from them when I open the bottle (never smelled any odor prior - been taking for several yrs). I'm trying to find out if this can be normal. Also never noticed the markings before....the tab is round with an A on one side and a 12 on the other. Is it possible I was given the wrong medication?

2 REPLIES Filed under Metformin

What are the side effects of metformin on the human body and can it cause stomach bloating? ## Hello, Jane! How are you? Yes, it may cause bloating and flatulence, as reported by the U.S. FDA. You may also experience nausea, dizziness, headache and hypoglycemia. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Metformin

Do metformin withdrawal side effects go away ## Hello, Fluffy! How are you doing? Well, that depends on whether or not they are actually withdrawal effects, or if they are the result of rebound effects and elevated sugar levels. Did you stop taking it cold turkey? If so why and what have you replaced it with to control your blood sugar? ## Am nt fluffy its my bf his dr stopped cold turkey i had blood test there good except leaking kidneys i hi blood pressure.i got headaches muscle pains.tight stomach bleeding vomiting dizziness will this go.and am on glipizide.he shudnt be on glip same ingredients i think its from the metformin i had withdrawals from benzo i still suffering by god its painful how i know he got same symptoms

2 REPLIES Filed under Metformin

I had my prescription filled and it says 500mg er tab amne, underneath was typed substituted for metformin 500 mg er tab wats, what's the difference ## Hello, Linda! How are you? Sorry about the confusion, pharmacies should really be a bit more precise, but I'm happy to clear this up for you. :-) The only difference is the manufacturer, the original one was manufactured by Watson Pharmaceuticals, which is what the wats stands for and the new one is manufactured by Amneal Pharmaceuticals, as designated by the amne. Rather than saying it's a substitute, they should really have just put a notice on it that it is the same medication, but may look different than that which you'd received before. Learn more Metformin ER details here. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Metformin

Is metformin same a glipizide or two different my friend a still suffering a lot of muscle pain.bleeding foggy head aches from Dr quitting him cold turkey met now he on flip few year he not improve much help his sugar high he a gud healthy diet to he always tired ## Hello, Fluffy! How is your friend doing? Metformin and Glipizide are two different mediations. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, stomach pain, flatulence and low blood sugar. Where is he bleeding from? That is not normal with these medications, nor upon withdrawal from them.

1 REPLY Filed under Metformin

for diabtes type 2 white metformin 500 mg bid caplet ## Yes, Metformin is an oral anti-diabetic drug (in the biguanide class). You can view a detailed description of the drug, by clicking on the link below... Just curious, but have you ever looked into any natural methods for controlling the diabetes? Type 2 diabetes can be "cured" on a raw food diet consuming lots of fruits, veggies, seeds and nuts. I hope this can shed some light for you for other options besides prescription meds. Please post back if you have any more questions or comments to add.

1 REPLY Filed under Metformin

i have b taken for 2 week and my belly look like i going to blow out ## Hello Anita! How are you? This tablet is manufactured by Amneal Pharmaceuticals and they list it as containing 500mgs of Metformin, which the FDA classifies as an oral anti-diabetic medication. Bloating is listed as a normal side effect of this medication, along with nausea, dizziness, headache, flatulence and hypoglycemia. However, the good news is that side effects tend to be transient and go away, after your body gets used to the medication. You should see an improvement in about 2 more weeks, if not, please consult your doctor. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Does metformin work for people with high blood pressure and can anyone take it?

2 REPLIES Filed under Metformin

I took Metformin once a day. Then the Dr. wanted me to take two a day. I took 2 a day then saw it was making me feel bad, tired, sleepy, no energy in the afternoon. I stopped the 2 dose & went back to 1. A month later I tried again with 2 a day. Now my muscles hurt like they have arthritis, hurting in muscles not joints. After 3 weeks of trying I stopped the 2 dose & went back to 1. My question is should I go to Dr. & have they change it all together or take 1 metformin & something else with it. I am afraid the Metformin is hurting my body because I am having bad reactions to 2. ## Hello, Debbie! How are you doing? I'm sorry about the way you're feeling. However, some of your symptoms were likely due to your body adjusting to the lowered sugar levels from taking ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Metformin

is co metformin the same as sandoz metformin both 500mg. ## Hello, Barb! How are you? Yes, they are the same, the Co and Sandoz just designate which company manufactured it. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, flatulence and stomach pain. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Metformin

ROUND 500KG 674 ON PILL FOR DIABETES ## I can confirm the pill in description to be Metformin hydrochloride (500 mg); which is an oral anti-diabetic drug in the biguanide class. You can view a detailed description of the drug by clicking on the link below... If you have any more questions or comments to add, please post back so I can further assist you. ## Should I take Co-Metformin before I test my blood or after

2 REPLIES Filed under Metformin

Walmart in US is d/c this brand Sandoz Metformin GP 124. Pl. let me know if you are aware of a pharmacy which still has this brand. thanks ## Hello, Minuma! How are you? It's not that a pharmacy really discontinues carrying any brand, but that they will carry whichever one was offering the cheapest price, when they needed to restock their supply. Thus, if another company underbid Sandoz, they are now the one that Wal-Mart carries. However, you can try asking them if they can order it back in for you. What is your general location? That would enable someone to suggest a pharmacy if they know of one that has it in stock in your area.

1 REPLY Filed under Metformin

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