Gemer Ds 2

2 Topics Found

I am 34 detected diabetis for 4/5month i take gemer ds 1 my urine gets yellow and getting angry easily now a days my doc ignores my prblem...pls sugar level is normal ..shuld i take another advice? ## I am 45 deteted diabetics from 1-1/2 year I take gemer ds 1 my sugar lever is normal In future there is any side effect of this tablet? ## Hello, Santimoy! How are you doing? Have you ever checked your sugar levels, when you get angry and irritable? That sounds like it may be dropping a little too low. KK, the side effects to Gemer-DS, which contains Glimepiride and Metformin, may include nausea, dizziness, hypoglycemia, stomach pain and flatulence. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Urine turning dark yellow may be a sign of jaundice and may be due to metformin in gemer w...

4 REPLIES Filed under Glimepiride

White, ovoid-rectangular ## Dear sir i m use gemer Ds-1 in india but now i m in saudia arabia which name


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