Fake Roxi 30s

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round,blue with 30 on one side and m on the other side. ## Yes, this tablet contains 30mgs of Oxycodone, the active ingredient in Roxicodone, it is a narcotic pain reliever. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and dry mouth. Read more: Are there any questions or comments? ## Has anyone seen or had, light blue pill that looks exactly like roxicodone 30? I've heard there's alot of fake ones going around but I hadn't seen one until today! ## Will you fill 57 tab roxicodone 30 mg thank you if is possibl ## Any oxycodone tablets with the letter m on it are made by a company called malenkrodt. From my own experience I find these to be mostly sugar pills with little to none pain relief. I've tried their oxy 30s. Oxy 5s. And methadone 10 mg. They give ...

6 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

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