Clopivas Medicine Uses

1 Topic Found

clopivas AP ## I had a by pass surgery about a year back for last one year i am taking clopivas-ap150 but now a doctor has stopped this and prescribed ecosprin 150mg with which i am not comfortable can i continue with clopivas even after one year ## Clopivas contains Clopidogrel and Aspirin, it is used to help prevent blood clotting. The NIH lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, stomach irritation, and increased risk of bleeding. As to continuing it, it is always best to follow your doctor's instructions. Ecosprin 150 contains 150mgs of Aspirin, so it is only lacking the Clopidogrel. If you aren't comfortable with the switch, you should consult the doctor to ask them more questions, or perhaps see a different doctor for a second opinio...

2 REPLIES Filed under Clopidogrel

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