Cilnidipine Chlorthalidone

1 Topic Found

i have been advised eritel ch40 and cilacar 10mg per day what are the side effects am 45 years old male. family has a high blood pressure history ## Hello, Sunil! How are you? Eritel-CH contains the active ingredients Telmisartan and Chlorthalidone, its side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache and dehydration. Learn more Telmisartan details here. Learn more Chlorthalidone details here. Cilicar contains the active ingredient Cilnidipine and its side effects may include nausea, dizziness, stomach pain and hypotension Is there anything else I can help with? ## I am 49 yr old female suffering from bp for the last 20 yrs. Have undergone ASD closure surgery 10 yrs ago. Now I am on drugs atten50 (1-0-0), cilacar(0-1-0), telma40(0-0-1) from past 2 months. Facing severe palpitations,...

4 REPLIES Filed under Telmisartan

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