Ceftas O

15 Topics Found

details of Ceftas cl 200 ## I am suffering from pharyngitis for 1 year and more ,taken many antibiotics like ceftas cl,Moxcav etc with the guide of doctors but still suffering. my age ---27 Indications--harsh voice,sneezing ,cold rash on skin of my face, ## Ceftas contains the active ingredient Cefixime, this is an antibiotic used to treat various types of infections. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, skin rash and diarrhea. Soumitra, I am sorry, but this site is not medical professionals, so we cannot diagnose nor prescribe a treatment. Have you tried visiting another doctor?

2 REPLIES Filed under Cefixime

CAN IT BE USE IN THE TREATMENT OF INFECTIONS CAUSED DUE TO CUT AND WOUNDS ## Ceftas contains the active ingredient Cefixime, which is an antibiotic and, therefore, YES, it is used to treat many types of infections, of various causes. However, it should never be used without your doctor advising you to do so. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, skin rash and diarrhea. Read more: Do you have any other questions? ## what is the purpose of using ceftas 200. ## can ceftas200 be used for treatment of throat infection. ## can ceftas 200 be used for treatment of testis pain?

4 REPLIES Filed under Cefixime

capsul ## Ceftas-CL 200 contains 200mgs of Cefixime, 500mgs of Cloxacillin and Lactic Acid Bacillus. This is an antibiotic used to treat many types of infections. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, skin rash and diarrhea. Read more here: Is there anything else I can help you with?

1 REPLY Filed under Cefixime

Hi.. I am 8 weeks pregnant now and my doctor has prescribed Ceftas 200 and Dolo 650 tablets for treating the Urinary Tract Infection. Is it safe to take these tablets during pregnancy? Please help me... ## Ceftas (Cefixime) guidelines note that Cefixime has been assigned to pregnancy category B by the FDA. Animal studies failed to reveal evidence of fetal harm. There are no controlled data in human pregnancy. Cefixime should only be given during pregnancy when need has been clearly established. If you become pregnant, contact your doctor. You will need to discuss the benefits and risks of using Cefixime Suspension while you are pregnant. It is not known if Cefixime Suspension is found in breast milk. If you are or will be breast-feeding while you use Cefixime Suspension, check with your...

1 REPLY Filed under Cefixime

Can Ceftas 200 be taken during chicken pox ## Hello, Sadhna! How are you? It will not do anything to help chicken pox. This is an antibiotic that will only help with bacterial infections, however, chicken pox is caused by a virus. Is there anything else I can help with?


I have viral fever, and i took 2 doses of ceftas 200mg tablet, but later i found that it would be not any helpful so i did not take any further dose of ceftas 200mg .Now my fever has gone , but i could not eat or drink much anything, is it any kind of bad affects for not completing the antibiotic course? ## there are different types of bacterial infections possible. A viral fever doesnt mean you should take ceftas 200 only. Consult your doctor and he may suggest other antibiotic or tablets like zoxan 500mg , levom 500... consult the doctor ..Its not bad affects, you may chose the wrong antibiotics. you ll recover soon. have more fluids. ## Ceftas contains the active ingredient Cefixime and there is always a slight associated with using antibiotics inappropriately and/or not finishing a ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Cefixime

My son nearly 16 yrs suffers from viral fever 2/3 times a year and the body temperature goes above 102 deg. C. Everytime my house physician prescribe tab. Ceftas 200 mg twice daily and also paracetamol 650 mg. I want to know whether taking ceftas 200 everytime will result in ineffectiveness of the antibiotic in the near future? In that case how the fever will be cured? How to increase body resistance or immunity?

Filed under Paracetamol

Am having viral fever and want to know whether I can Ceftas 200 ## Ceftas contains Cefixime, which is an antibiotic and as such, no it is not effective against viruses. Learn more Ceftas details here. Viruses usually must be left to just run their course. Are there any other questions or comments? ## I have fever since last 4 day doctor suggested me for blood report for Dengue but it's negative and after that docter give only one tablte CEFTAS 200 so is it ok for me or not .. continue I am suffering from same problem

2 REPLIES Filed under Cefixime

I had a minor cut for which Ceftas 200 and Emanzen D have been prescribed.Just after taking the medication, my BP has shot up. Can it be due to these medications? ## Ceftas contains the active ingredient Cefixime, which is an antibiotic and no, they usually don't cause blood pressure elevations. The Emanzen-D, however, contains the active ingredient Diclofenac, which is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and they can cause blood pressure elevations in some people. Did you speak to your doctor about the problem?

1 REPLY Filed under Cefixime

I went for a root canal procedure and my jaws got locked and am unable to open it properly and am in severe pain. Visited a specialist thereafter, who prescribed 5 days medicine aciloc 2 times, ceftas as 250 2 times, zymogesic 3 times, and Thiopas a4. Inspite of taking medicine 3 days no relief, in very bad state am virtual on liquid diet.

I'm suffering from joints pain for more than 2 months;unable to sit down and after that unable to get up.Even I'm unable to change my dresses.Fingers in the legs are also paining.I was feeling feverish during morning hours and shows slightly raise in the normal temp.,.Clinical reports confirmed chikungunya.Doctor prescribed me first "Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate-200" -20Nos.,2 per day morn.and night for 10 days;but there was no suppression in the above said problems.Again Dr.,gave me the same tablets&Qty., along with "Diclofenac sodium Paracetamol"-10Nos. and "CEFTAS-200"-10Nos.,2,per day for 5days. I was taking Defenac-P only -one during morn. and then only I'll feel fresh and less pain and I don't take at present. After completion of Ceftas,(2...

1 REPLY Filed under Hydroxychloroquine

can ceptas o and etova er 600 be taken together ## about ceftas o 200


My brother used ceftas 200 for 5 days for infection in pallette which occurred after surgery. The infection is mostly gone but still abit it is there. he stopped taking it since 5 days. Can he repeat it for 5 more days?



My child having throat infection and can i give çeftas 200

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