Calcitriol Calcium Carbonate Zinc Details

5 Topics Found

how it helps our body is it advisable for man of age 63 to take one tablet daily ## Gemcal is a nutritional supplement it contains: Calcitriol .25 mcg, Calcium Carbonate 500 mg and zinc 7.5 mg. Whether or not you need to take it regularly can only be decided by you and your doctor, if you do not normally get enough of these nutrients in your diet, then it can be very beneficial. Have you tried asking them about this?

1 REPLY Filed under Calcitriol

can anyone clarify the difference between shelcal and gem cal? ## Some of the ingredients are different. Shelcal contains Calcium Carbonate and Vitamin D3. Gemcal contains:calcitriol 0.25 mcg, calcium carbonate 500 mg amd zinc 7.5 mg. So it is what they provide and their formulations, it depends on what your body needs and what your doctor recommends that you use. Which has your doctor recommended? ## Gemcal is alws better then the shelcal...cause it contains Calcitriol which is an active form of vit D3...n zinc which reduces the risk of osteoporosis. ## what are the side effects of Gemcal ## Thanks for your valuable advice. By the way are you a Doctor? I was prescribed Shelcal by my doctor but I got Gem Cal from my CGHS Dispensary. Thanks and Regards, Ramesh ## Which one to take Gemcal...

13 REPLIES Filed under Calcium Carbonate

Is it ok to have gemcal daily? I've been taking it for the last 1yr. Is there any side effects? ## Gemcal is a nutritional supplement it contains: Calcitriol .25 mcg, Calcium Carbonate 500 mg and zinc 7.5 mg. Learn more dietary supplement information here. As to taking it daily, in theory there shouldn't be a problem, because all of these nutrients are very important to your health, as long as you don't take more than is recommended. However, it is always advisable to ask your doctor about anything you take regularly, just to be safe. Do you have any medical conditions? Do you take any medications regularly? ## Tnx for the info. I have mild osteoarthritis in both knees. Hence doctor adviced me to take Gemcal capsules...1 daily. Definitely there's improvement in my condit...

8 REPLIES Filed under Calcitriol

gemcal ds is prescribed by my doctor for osteoporosis for lower back pain . is it worth taking . ## This is actually just a multivitamin supplement, the regular Gemcal contains Calcitrol, Calcium and Zinc, I would guess that the DS formulation also contains something else, but I can't find any specific information on it. It will not actually treat pain, but by supplementing these vital minerals, especially the calcium, it might help prevent worsening of the Osteoporosis. Are there any other questions? ## It looks like Gemcal DS is actually supposed to contain Calcium Carbonate 1250 mg + Calcitriol 0.25 mcg, typically prescribed for osteoporosis. So it sounds similar to the regular Gemcal, but does vary in its formulation. ## I used to take gemcal ds for 1month that tym it dint pain ...

3 REPLIES Filed under Calcitrol

My doc has advised to take Gemcal preferably on empty stomach. So I have it early morning at 5 am. Is this correct.

Filed under Calcitriol

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