Ativan 2 Mg For Sleep Zolpidem

1 Topic Found

Started me at 50 mg for 4 weeks, slept very little. I was prescribed Ativan 1 mg helped me sleep about 6 to 7 hours. My Doc took me off after prescribing me 5 pills 3 times, total of 15. My Zoloft was raised from 50 mg to 100mg, now I'm having more trouble than ever sleeping. I went to my pcp and was prescribed zolpidem tartrate 5 mg, tablets. I took a 5 mg tablet once a night for 2 nights and couldn't sleep. I called pharmacist and was told to take 2 5 mg tablets, total of 10 mg per night. It worked for awhile but it made me feel worse, more depression, shaky. I'm down to 2.5 mg of zolpidem tartrate and feeling shaky and I can not sleep. Any suggestions please! ## Hello, Samantha! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem that you're having. However, once you're ...

1 REPLY Filed under Zoloft

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