Are All Pharmacies Connected

4 Topics Found

Just wondering if i take my script to a kaiser pharmacy will they know that I had a script filled at a walgreens 8 days prior for the exact same meds (different doctor)? Help me out here! ## The pharmacies actually being connected doesn't matter, prescriptions are all logged into computer systems and tracked by the federal government. Thus, if you are hoping to get duplicate prescriptions, or similar ones, for controlled substances, then it will be detected and flagged in their system. If the pharmacy doesn't catch it, the government scans will and you'll face some pretty stiff fines and penalties. Learn more prescription medication details here. Are there any other questions or comments? ## That's actually not accurate. The theory that the federal government is tracking...


Do they still make the qualitest v 36 01 yellow norco and can you still find pharmacies that carry these or have they been recalled and are they only making the white ones now? ## Patrick, they stopped making them a while back. It is highly doubtful that you can find any of the yellow Norco. They took the coloring out due to so many people having allergy problems connected to it. ## They still have the yellow qualitest...I get them everytime I fill my script. ...Save On Drug store, on Ford rd and Lilly.. All Save on Drugstores carry them,

2 REPLIES Filed under Norco

For all who live in Florida you are aware of the terrible problem of filling narcotic pain medication prescriptions. I am not connected with this petition but want you to be aware of it and I am providing a link to this petition so hopefully pharmacies will be forced to carry adequate supply of medication for refills. I moved to Florida to retire from Missouri. I am sorry I made this choice as I must go sometime weeks waiting on a pharmacy any of them to have quantity to fill my script. As you know 9 out of 10 times the pharmacies never have any on hand. Then we are forced to drive (not able to call) to pharmacy to other pharmacy to see if they can fill it. The law in Florida is so strict you cannot leave your prescription at the pharmacy to be filled, nor can you be provided by phone i...

7 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

I have a service connected disability and can't find a pharmacy that my primary pain management doctor just prescribed me. It 30 mgs of oxycodone. No one had it and I'm still in pain. I live in queens NewYork. Why would he give me something no body has.? ## Hello, Gerard! How are you? I am very sorry about the problem that you're having. However, how have you been checking to see if the pharmacies have it in stock? If you're just calling them on the phone, you're not going to get a real answer, because they have no way of knowing if the person on the other end of the line is a potential their, or a legitimate customer with a need, so they'll just say that they don't have it. You have to actually physically go to the pharmacy, with the prescription in hand. Th...

2 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

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