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A Brown Pill C On One Side AC on The Other What Is It. i have a few just not sure what they do. ## just not sure what they're called or what they do. anybody help me out? ## Did you ever find out what it is? I have some! ## They are Amitriplyline .. used for depression, anxiety, insomnia, pain. The ones you are describing are pretty strong. I know from experience. Hope this helps. ## Having read the other posts they are definitely amitrptaline, they come in three colours and doses 10,s 25,s and 50,s 10,s are white 25,s are yellow and 50s are Brown. They where first used as an anti depressant but now they are mostly used for pain relief especially in the back. Its not advisable to take these unless you have seen a doctor as they can effect heart rate

4 REPLIES Filed under Antidepressant

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