Adco Prolief Tablet Safe When Pregnant

1 Topic Found

Am 9 months pregnant and at hospital they gave me anaerobyl to drink. Is it okay if I drink it? ## I'm two weeks pregnant, I had sharp pains from the second week, but only at night. Today I went to a clinic, and I was given anaerobyl 200 (metronidazole) white. Is it safe to use it? What is it used for? ## Hi, I am 8 weeks pregnant and I'm feeling much pain on my back and the discharge is grey. I went to my doctor on the weekend and he gave me an inj. of adco prolief, doxytet n anaeobyl but I'm still getting pain. Please help me. Should I stop or go ahead with treatment? ## Hi I'm Fortunate I went to the clinic because I didn't see my menstruation this past two months and have had yellow discharge, so they gave me anaerobyl 400. I came back positive for being pregnant...

12 REPLIES Filed under Metronidazole

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