5mg What Does Lexapro

34 Topics Found

Hi, I went to the doctor today and was prescribed 5mg of Lexapro. I am a senior in college and am fairly social. I typically go out to parties and/or the bar a couple times a week, and when I do, I usually have anywhere from 6-10 drinks. I usually get pretty drunk if I'm being quite honest. The main reason I am posting is because my 21st birthday is next weekend (nine days away). I plan on having a party and want to have a good time, but also don't want to put myself in danger. My doctor told me I could just take half a dose that day (2.5 mg) and only drink like three drinks (which I know won't happen) or wait until after my birthday to start taking the Lexapro. I would like to start taking now, but also don't want to have something bad happen/act a complete fool on my b...

7 REPLIES Filed under Lexapro

Hi all, I am going to jump up to 10mg as my psychiatrist told me to start @ 5mg and go to 10 once I felt comfortable.This was because I have been on Paxil and Cymbalta but had to stop due to bad side effects. I have see a few effects with the 5mg (tiredness, issues with concentration, palpitations, increased anxiety) but none of the effects have been too bad and seem to have kind of been stabalized as I am on day 10 of 5 mg. Should I expect to go through it all again as I jump to 10mg? or will I be better off since I am only coming up from 5mg as opposed to jumping from 0mg to 5mg? ## Yes, it is likely that you will experience the side effects, again, if you up the dosage. That is what usually happens with most medications. They normally hit their peak at around 4 to 6 weeks, at a given...

1 REPLY Filed under Lexapro

Hello, I'm on day 7 of 5mg of Lexapro prescribed by my doctor. I’ve been pretty fatigued before noon and nauseous in the morning as well as completely losing my appetite. I know those symptoms are normal for about 2 weeks but I think my biggest concern is I feel like I have developed some nervousness/restless energy since taking it. I'm taking the medication to help my anxiety so feeling this is a discouragement. Is this nervousness/ restlessness normal for Lexapro even at a 5mg dosage? My symptoms are certainly manageable at this point. Just wasn't sure if the nervousness was a normal side effect and if it will pass soon. ## Yes, those can be a normal side effects when starting Lexapro, even at a low dosage, according to FDA reports. You may also experience nausea, di...

1 REPLY Filed under Lexapro

I am switching from Lexapro to Pristiq with my Pdoc. He recommended that I drop from my regular 20 mg of lexapro to 10mg and go to 50mg of pristiq. He said after 2 weeks drop the lexapro altogether. is this safe? is it too fast? I take 2 10mg tablets. Should I maybe go to 15mg--10mg-5mg-0? How have other people made the transition with minimum problems? ## How long have you been taking Lexapro for? From my perspective I think what your doctor recommend is fine. What's safe for "you" may not necessarily be safe for someone else (and vise versa, because everyone is different). If you're tapering your Lexapro dose down to 10mg from 20mg within 2 weeks, in my opinion, that seems to be a sufficient time frame to re-adjust. If tapering the dose really concerns you though, I wo...

1 REPLY Filed under Pristiq

I take 10 mgs of lexapro and was wondering if 5mgs of flexeril would interact? I weigh about 140 lbs and am 5'8. I do not take anything else. My mom gave me a flexeril to help with some muscle spasms in my back but I don't want to take it if it interacts. ## No, these medications should not be taken together, as it increases the risk of your developing Serotonin Syndrome, which has the potential to be fatal. Thus, if your doctor hasn't prescribed them both for you, it could be very dangerous for you to take them, according to FDA reports. It would be best to consult your physician to see what you can safely take. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Lexapro

I have been on Lexapro for a year and a half now 10 mg...I was wondering if anybody has had the side affect of weight gain I have gained 40 lb. since I have been on it..the strange thing is I don't do any binge eating or over eat due to my acid reflux...next doctors appointment I am going to ask to be put down to 5mg...it's so hard to go on the treadmill when you don't have any energy or will power..my anxiety is under control its my depression that gets me down and I just feel like sleeping all day..?? ## Some people have reported weight gain as a side effect and the FDA does not it among the possible ones, though it is not very common. Others are listed as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, and dry mouth. What other medications have you tried?

1 REPLY Filed under Lexapro

Hey all. 31 male here. Prescribed Lexapro about four months ago for depression and PTSD. 5mg for a week, then 10mg for three weeks, now 20mg and sitting pretty. Here's the run down on what I've experienced: At first the obvious side effects included immediate 'fogginess' of vision and a strong sedative effect. If anyone's ever taken Molly it sort of feels like the come-on of that (with no peak obviously). That was the first few days. I also noticed an almost immediate drop in libido that has progressively gotten worse. Normally I'm a 'once a day' guy at least. Now I'm more like once a fortnight, and when I do get friendly with the girls, it can take up to an hour to climax (if I don't give up). The foggy vision and drowsiness has since cleared, bu...

2 REPLIES Filed under Lexapro

ive been taking lexapro 5mg for 2weeks now. I'm feeling worse instead of better. I can't eat or sleep and my anxiety is threw the roof. Can I quit taking it without any withdrawals? ## Hello, Cheryl! How are you? Yes, after that short of a time period, there shouldn't be any major issues with stopping it, as long as your doctor approves. However, you've actually not been on it long enough, yet, to see if these effects will go away and the medication will work for you. That usually takes about 3 to 4 weeks, though most people find it to take about 3. In many cases, these severe symptoms early on has shown that the medication is going to work well for them. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and weight change...

1 REPLY Filed under Lexapro

Hi guys hoping to get some advice here, I was out on lexapro after a pretty bad pannick attack from medication in as given by a doctor that dehydrated me and put me in the ER. I took 10mg of generic Lexapro at 10mg for a bit over a week and was so tired that it was hard to stay awake, spoke to the doctor and he said to switch to 5mg which I did for about a week the we cut down to 2.5mg for about a week then cut it down to half of that pill for about 4 days. After doing this I cut it down to half of that pill for 3 days. During this time of cutting down each dose I had a few symptoms as In slight anxiety not much, nervousness, minor headaches which got stronger for a few days then went away, brain fog, depersonalization and just a alone feeling. Within the time I had been on it I have lo...

2 REPLIES Filed under Lexapro

After 14 good years on 5mg of Lexapro my panic attacks and extreme worry returned a few weeks ago. Went to see my Pdoc and said to up the Lexapro to 10mg. This is day 17 on the increased dosage and feel little to no improvement. My anxiety has been super high the last 2 weeks and I'm taking up to 2.0mg ox Xanax per day to combat this. Saw my doc again yesterday and said I should have been feeling better by now being that I had lex in my system for 14 years. He suggested dropping back down to 5mg because he said the 10 my de too much for my body. The only time I feel better is in the evening when the day is coming to an end. I'm starting to get really depressed about this because I was so good for so long. In the past 3 weeks I've lost 15 pounds cause I have no appetite. Plus...

1 REPLY Filed under Lexapro

I started on 10mg of Lexapro exactly a month ago for generalized panic disorder. My first week on it was AWFUL. Really bad side effects. My anxiety was extremely heightened, I felt like I was crawling out of my skin, awful headaches, I was so tired, could barely get out of bed. My psychiatrist prescribed me .5mg of ativan to take as needed every 8 hours for when I'm feeling extra anxious so that made me even more tired once I was getting used to it. On my 8th day or so, the side effects started to ware off more and more every day. I am now a month in, I don't have all those side effects anymore and the ativan doesn't make me sleepy, but my anxiety isn't any better than it was before I started on the medication. I'm still avoiding going places, I feel extremely down a...

2 REPLIES Filed under Lexapro

Hi. I just got back on Lexapro after being off for 6 months because my anxiety returned after being on for 2.5 years. I was on 5mg for a week with side effects that started to feel manageable on day 7. On day 8 I upped dosage to 10mg and it seems as though it's all started over again with the side effects. I thought I had prepared my system with 5mg,but here I am lethargic again and drowsy. The mornings are the worst, afternoons its like I wake up from the nasty fog and at night I'm fine. Please some help me out in this..I'm on day 3 of 10mg and it's like I started over... ## Hello, Brownstone88! How are you? Yes, that is completely normal and you'll usually experience side effects anytime you raise the dosage of a medication. They should taper off and eventually go ...

3 REPLIES Filed under Lexapro

Hey guys. I have had health anxiety since I was about 13. Around Christmas time last year I was extremely worried about having ALS. I was so worried that I pretty much lived inside and lived In fear everyday. I have started to do school from home (which is a pain, considering I'm attempting to get into undergraduate medicine). So I went to my GP and prescribed me 5mg of lexapro then 10 after a week. I have an extreme tolerance to any tablets, panadene forte, Valium and medicines like that are barely noticeable to me. So it wasn't a surprise when the lexapro did absolutely nothing so I went back to my GP and she said because I am adult athletic size (6 ft, 70kg) that I can go straight to 20mg. After taking 20mg for a few weeks I noticed a small difference but nothing worth even s...

5 REPLIES Filed under Lexapro

Hi there, I am a 40 yr old woman, who started taking Lexapro about 3 to 4 weeks ago, starting on 5mg for the first 2 plus weeks, then increased it a few days ago to 10mg as directed by my Dr. My history of depression is this: I feel I have dysthymic disorder with major depression disorder tendencies. I have suffered a few bouts of severe reactive depression as a result of some considerable life stressors in the past, which then, you could say, turned into simple Major Depressive Disorder. At one of these times I took Lexapro with good effect. I think I have been depressed (often mildly) for years, but struggled through. I also have considerable anxiety, which has plagued me for 10 plus years, generally focusing on my health. Before biting the bullet and seeing a Dr this time, I was cons...

1 REPLY Filed under Lexapro

3.5 months ago I was having serious anxiety issues and depression. I was prescribed 5mg of lexapro and honestly saw results immediately the first week. I felt so calm and feeling myself coming back. 3.5 months later it's all back - crippling depression and horrible anxiety that lasts all day. I got upped to 10mg but the past 3 days have been utter hell Is this a normal thing to happen? Just all of a sudden stop working? ## Hello, Thomas! I am very sorry about what you're going through. Has there been any change? Yes, that has been known to happen, though it can vary from person to person. It could be that Lexapro just isn't the right medication for you, and you may need to try something else. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, hea...

3 REPLIES Filed under Lexapro

I was diagnosed with MS in 2008 and have panic and anxiety disorder. I was put on lexapro in 2009 and have been on it for six years and it has so helped with my anxiety and panic, I do still get anxiety if I over do it, but I am able to brush it off easily. I would say it helps OK with depression, and due to weight gain, which I'm sure my MS does not help with that it kinda makes it worse but bearable cause I do well wanting to go out and do things. Well, I decided to wean off under my doctor's supervision in April just to see what would happen and he put me on a very long and safe taper. When I got down to just taking 5mg every other day, the panic attacks and depression started to creep back on. I decided I can't handle this on top of my MS so again, under my doctor's ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Lexapro

Hello, This is my first day of lexapro and I took 10 mg this afternoon. About 2 hours later I had awful diarrhea, and the nausea has been with me on and off all day. I think I may just start with 5mgs? Would that help me ease into this? I have terrible IBS when I'm nervous so this side effect isn't helping me. I took a zofran and 1mg Ativan to help me calm down from all the diarrhea (I have a fear of the stomach flu), but then I read the diarrhea and nausea are actually side effects of lexapro. Anyone else experience this? Also hot flashes today which is weird because I'm usually cold. ## Yes, those can be side effects of this medication, as reported by the FDA. You may also experience dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and weight changes. However, they typically go away with ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Lexapro

I went from lexapro to Prozac. Prozac made me worse. Today I was prescribed Brintellix. I am terrified of taking Medicine and what it could do to me.. would it be okay to break .5mg in half just to see how I do? ## It is always best to follow your doctor's dosing instructions, thus you should ask, and if they approve, it should be fine to do so. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, weight changes, anxiety, and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with? ## What time of the day is best to take Trintellix? In the morning or at night ? I started 2 weeks ago and I am having terrible side affects , feeling much worse than before the pills, my anxiety is the worse I have ever had, this medicine is making me so sick and feeling...

2 REPLIES Filed under Brintellix

I was prescribed brintellix. Best medication ever!! I have tried Cymbalta, Zoloft, Lexapro (omg, never again) Clonidine, Ativan, Prazosin, Ambien, and the list goes on. Brintellix did wonders to decresse my anxieyy. BUT the dose is too strong!! At 5mg I am a zombie, I feel motivated and clear headed, but can't move or get out of bed, I cut the pill in half and only take it every other day and the med works best for me this way. But where can I actually fill my prescription at? I also before I actually started this medication, went on this site and was warned that it was a difficult medication to get. So I went to the pharmacy every month for 6 months and it would take weeks before I could get the medication! I just stocked the medication for 6 months. Now when I go to the pharmacy a...

2 REPLIES Filed under Brintellix

MY doc and I have recently decided to try to come off of the generic version of Lexapro, Escitalopram. I was taking 10mg of the stuff for about 10 months. So he took it down to 5mg only five days ago. I'm not sure if what I'm feeling is withdrawal symptoms/pains or if I should go to a doctor for this?! Directly under my chin, where one would say a double chin is, I have a dull achy pain. It's almost like something is putting pressure around my jawbone/chin. Has anyone experienced or heard of such a thing? Am I losing it? I'm experiencing dizziness also, which I know is a major side effect possibility of coming off certain or maybe all SSRI's. Thanks in advance if you can offer any words or advice. ## Hi, I have not experienced withdrawal, but I have experienced the c...

4 REPLIES Filed under Lexapro

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