Why Would A Drug Not Show Up In Test
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I take 2 mg Ativan twice a day, every day..had urine test at dr office..Ativan didn't show up. What could interfere w it showing? Now my dr thinks I ran out early. I'm baffled! Any answers? Thank you!

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I take ativan and klonipn does not show in urine why?

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Lorazepam (Ativan) frequently does not show up in urine because it is excreted as a metabolite (lorazepam glucuronide) which does not react with the antibodies in the drug test. Less than 1% of lorazepam is excreted as the parent drug. Hence, it frequently gives false negatives on drug screens.

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I have the same problem. I take 0.5mg twice a day and my test always come up negative. I don't understand. Hope someone can come up with an answer, because I don't want to lose my prescription.

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