Why Can't I Find A Pharmacy That Has Dilaudid
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got , whats upa script this morning for 60 dilaudid 4mg and no drug store has any

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i normally fill my 4mg hydromorphones at CVS. They ALL, i repeat ALL will tell you they either do nat carry, have or just plain cannot give that info over phone.
So If you just go to the different CvS, or publix pharmacies you will eventually find the prescription you need. If It is oxycodone 15 or 30, from what i found out, the DEA has put a limit on the amount that can even be sent to the state, and is broken into regions, so every pharmacy has a limited supply and usually gives those to its long time patients.
Anyway, good luck, and dont bother calling because they will not tell you on the phone, it is basically a cardinal rule for all pharmacies. If you are willing to pay, and really want and need the medicine go to the mom and pop stores and they usually have a supply of these medicines

THE ISSUE IS that so many idiots were coming from other states to our state of Florida, to get pain eds, when if they had a legitimate reason to take would be prescribed by a doctor in their state. so instead they came here, and of course all the shady non MD owners and hiring of doctors that didnt care, started this pill mill deal here in s. florida. i have been on this type of medicine for almost 14 years, due to many surguries and "real" chronic pain.
I hate to complain, but i wish these people had never came here, and that the DEA would focus on the people getting them and selling on the street. because making the pharmacies hord their supply and cuttingoff people that are legitimate, is not fixing the issue, all the DEA did was switch a majority of the people over to either stealing the medicine from people who do get it in their state, or the people buying heroin off the street.
I just wish that the chain pharmacies would not give the people that have been going to them for so many years a hard time. They now think anyone taking anything over 5mg vicodins is a junky and is just drug seeking, which is totally wrong and they also profile people, which is quite wrong.
i always get mine filled at a major chain, but i see the pharmacist telling people coming in that he doesnt have any, when he is filling mine, so it shows that they are doing this, and i feel it is wrong, and the mom and pop pharmacies are charging out the rear end for these pills, which is price gouging and i do not KNOW WHY THE DEA DOESNT DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT EITHER???? It all makes me quite sick to be honest, and sometimes literally sick!!!!!

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How have you been checking to see if they have them in stock?

If you have just been calling the pharmacies, you are not likely to get a straight and accurate answer. Due to the extremely high risk of theft, phone calls requesting any controlled substances usually just result in your being told that they do not have any in, or do not carry them, at all. They have no way of knowing if the person on the phone is a legitimate customer, or a potential thief.

The only way to get a real answer is by actually going in to the pharmacy, with your prescription in hand.


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