What Prescribed Medication Will Make You Test Positive For Cocaine (Page 3)
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My son said he took a pill friday night with his friends but doesnt know what it is. He failed his UA yesterday because he tested positive for cocaine. Is there such a pill that will do this?

54 Replies (3 Pages)

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I tested positive for marijuana and didn't smoke, my husband was a smoker, and he smoke daily. I lost a very good job, benefits and everything because of this. Was having a lot of kidney problems at the time, pain meds, antibiotics, and positive for THC. I have no idea how, because I hadn't smoke pot in over 3 years prior to that drug test.

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Are you given a drug test when you go in for a check up?

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Can u test positive for cocaine from taking regular tylenol? My partner tested positive for cocaine after taking this..is that possible??

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Your company may be more considerate than you think. If you're a valued member of the team it's possible they'll help with treatment.

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Today my girlfriend went to the doctor and was confronted by her doctor that her urine test that were taken 2 seperate times came up positive for cocaine n marijuana. Well she doesn't do either of them. But takes a lot of meds. That could give a false positive. So yes meds can do tht.

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I'm a 42 yr old mother of a 2 yr old son. I have been testing weekly randomly for 2 1/2 yrs. For Dcfs all test negative for drugs. Until last week, I tested positive for cocciane. I only take one medication for Chrones Disease Asacol 800 mg.
for flare ups.

Can there be a logical explanation for this?

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I tested pos for cocaine, I dont use, but I did take 4 amoxicillin pills for urinary tract infections...any answers?

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If you have a wife and 4 kids, let alone a great job in the current economy, you shouldnt be on coke anyways

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shave or cut your hair very short. The hair shows a timeline of drug use and non use. The ends may be clean-or not ... the middle showing the drug-or nor and the new growth having no eveidence of drug use...get it?

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That should be the least of his problems,come on mom he could be died or in the hospital.U cant just pop any pill u want.

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Yah cocaine

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Amoxicillin can cause a false positive for cocaine. So can many other drugs. You need to find out if he was taking amoxicillin before he did the drug test. It's not that cocaine is in amoxicillin, but it metabolizes as cocaine. There's a way to see if it was truly cocaine, because cocaine has two distinct "fingerprints" that determine if someone is taking cocaine. Just look it up online. For those of you who don't know for sure, please don't answer questions, because telling this person "that nothing could cause a false positive for cocaine" could really effect someone's life in a negative way. Yes, it's definitely possible. Labs don't list the cocaine metabolites, unless they found the two metabolites that are specific for cocaine. I hope this helps.

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HI i have been clean for 30 days and i got to do a drug test for my work and it is hair test for cocaine i am a computer programmer and I cant afford to lose my job even though i have been clean for over 30 days, since they gave me notice. I have a wife and 4 kids to support. They dont care even though i am clean for a period of time, the point is if i come positive i will not able to provide for my wife an kids, I am so stressed out. The hair testing method can detect from 90 days history. My company will have no choice to let me go if i come positive. I will lose my wife and kids. Please give me some advice in my misery depression stage of life iam going threw

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For prescribed mediations, there really aren't any, that I know of, this can happen sometimes when someone has had extensive dental work, because the anesthetic agents they use to numb your mouth and teeth are based on elements related to cocaine, but there aren't any prescription medications that use it.

The reason for this is because the FDA has found no valid therapeutic use for it in prescription medications.

Has he ever used cocaine before?

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