Prolapsed Hemmorhoids


I have had Hemms since I was in my twenty.But they use to come and go especially when I strained. But now they are always out (prolapsed and bleed from time to time. Is there anything that can be done short of surgery?

2 Replies

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Hello, Chuckybaby! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem that you're having.

There are some topical products that may shrink them, some available over the counter and some via prescription from your doctor.

There is also a rubber banding procedure that can be used for some, it's less invasive than surgery.

Have you had them checked out by your doctor, yet?

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Hi Verwon.
Yes but he keeps pushing them back in and a few days or weeks later back to the same thing. I told him surgery is out of the question. So now I'm increasing my fiber intake and using a topical paste. Seems to help a bit.

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