Picture Of Klonapin With R35 On One Side Other Side - (Top voted first)


rr35 on one side other side -

3 Replies

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Is this a white round pill that is scored? What information were you looking for regarding Klonapin?

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Please understand that if you suffer from anxiety/panic attacks that it is like being in a horrible dream! But, if you want to stop the suffering a benzo will help, but GOOD LUCK trying to STOP this NIGHTMARE of a pill! Benzodiazepines are extremely ADDICTIVE and are next to impossible to get off of..

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Actavis Pharmaceuticals lists this tablet as containing 2mgs of Clonazepam, which is a generic for Klonopin. It is a benzodiazepine that is most commonly used to treat anxiety, and nervous disorders.

You can learn more about it by clicking this NDC code: 60429-0526

The FDA warns that it does carry the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, sedation, and irritability.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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