Pharmacies In An Area That Carry Endocet Or Amneal Generics


Please let me know, what pharmacy carries generic endocet, in walnut creek or concord CA...I have chronic pain, I was given " Alvogen brand, it was the worst medicine, gave me very bad headaches! I was on Amneal which works well, however the pharmacy doesn't carry, they have Alvogen..terrible, no not get it!

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Hello, Lucy! How are you? Sorry about the problem you're having.

However, there is no database of pharmacies that have any given medication in stock, nor what manufacturer's products they carry.

Did you try asking your pharmacy if they can order the other one in for you?

Alternatively, you could also try asking your doctor to prescribe it as the brand being medically necessary to avoid the constant switching of generics.

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Thanks, that would be good, I'll let my Doctor know... The last brand i tried was "Alvogen" it was terrible, I never want to get that brand again, gave me bad headaches, and it didn't work maybe 2 hrs...

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I am a Handicapped person and I cannot walk. I need help in finding my medicine. Activas Opana ER 15 mg. PLEASE HELP me. I live in Lake County, Illinios. CAN SOMEONE HELP ME? ASAP

{edited for privacy}

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