Muscle Pain From Warfarin? (Page 6)


Hi. I have been taking warfarin for 4 months. Prior to my PE when landing home from a long flight I was very active running and swimming every day. Since the attack every muscle and many leg joints ache all the time. Is this a side effect from medication? Thanks.

107 Replies (6 Pages)

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Interesting article....I am not a doctor, but if you have a holistic physician D.O. or M.D. you might discuss:

Nattokinase and Cardiovascular Health

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Re: Roberta (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I have been on Warafin for 3 years after a stroke. Works good preventing stroke but I have sever body pain every day I think as result of Warafin.
Anyone else?

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Re: natalie (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Natalie. I live in Sydney, Australia. I had a PE event in 1998 and the Specialist in their wisdom place me on alternative dose of 5 to 6 mgs daily. Everything I have read on this site is so relevant to my symptoms (i.e. muscle pain, nausea, dizziness, etc). In the end I became fed up over the whole thing. I decided to take matters into my hands and looked for alternatives to keep my INR levels between the desired levels of 2.0 & 3.0 with a much reduced Warfrin intake. In the last year without my Doctors/Specialist knowledge I reduced my Warfarin intake to 2mgs daily and combined it with Omega 3 X 6000mgs. My last 12 INR levels results have been constant at 2.4. Apart from the ‘Fishy Burp’ from time to time, I DO NOT experience any muscle pain or fatigue or dizziness since I covertly decided to take things into my own hands. I feel for you and all others who have and experiencing these terrible side effects of Warfarin and associated prescribed blood thinners. After all people, these ‘Professionals’ who have prescribed this medicine know that Warfarin is just another word for ‘Rat Sack’.

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Re: Sue (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

oh wow.....feel a lot of the same symptoms. I have been on warfarin 5 mg for almost 2 years for Afib. My muscles are weak....I have less energy.....lightheadness periodically. The only med I am on is warfarin so it has to be this med.

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Re: Roberta (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, Ive been on warfarin since July 2017 and my doctor says to keep taking medication for a year. i have also been experiencing lower leg pain. i cant walk too far then i have to stop and rest a bit before i can continue. I've decided to stop the warfarin and to monitor the leg pain.

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Re: rach (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I know exactly how you feel, I have been on warfarin 10 mg daily for 5 weeks and my whole body hurts especially my legs, but sometimes my chest, my arms, my stomach. I keep thinking something else is wrong, wondering if there is another blood clot or something worse, it has made me very anxiety ridden. It's good to know I'm not the only one.

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Re: Rick (# 97) Expand Referenced Message

Have been on warfarin 50yrs, now 72 yrs old. Had several PE. Major heart attack @27yrs. Have had all the side effects, inserted Greenfeild Filter in Venae Cava, never had PE since inserted. If it wasn't for warfarin i would not been living today. Difficult medication yes, most important to keep your INR well monitored.... Howzat for warfarin....Rep of SA.

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