Missed A Single Dose Of R Cinex 600
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My treatment was completely over before 2 months.... Then my doctor advised another 3 months of R cinex 600. What can happen if the morning dose is not taken for 1 day? Are there any worries about it that I should be aware of? Please answer me.

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My husband was diagnosed with Abdominal TB in Aug last year and he started taking medicines from Sept 2017.
He is taking r-Cinex 600 in the morning empty stomach which we suspect he missed one dosage last morning.
What are the side effects that he may have for this.
Is it true that if you skip the medicine just for a day, the bacteria becomes resistant?
Please advice.

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My treatment was completely over before 2 months.... Then my doctor advised another 3 months of R cinex 600. What can happen if the morning dose is not taken for 1 day? Are there any worries about it that I should be aware of? Please answer me.

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