Light Green Oblong With The Word Swift
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i got these pills that are suppose to be generic adderall. one side says swift the other is just a score. The packet says its made by TEVA. they are 30 mg and do absolutely nothing. They are from India. Has anyone ever had anything that fits the description?

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No. Never heard from them again!

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Did you get your money back? I placed same order, asked for photo as well.

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I also got the greenish blue pill that is scored on one side and swift on the other came in a brown chappy envelope with tape everywhere

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Got the same thing

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I know, right? And be careful regarding your email account. I emailed them early on after ordering and received a reply from "Stacy Addy." I placed this response email in the trash and emptied the trash, but it has since reappeared several times, even after I deleted and emptied, deleted and emptied...they might have a way of hacking into email. Also, after I made the purchase, they called to confirm several times. When I looked up the number online, there was a history of nasty prank calls from it. Needless to say, we both wont be purchasing from them again!

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My son looked up the fake adderall from India marked "Swift" and found them to be water pills. Thank god thats all they are messing with. wouldn't have minded some vicodin but diet pills i do not need. i am done with ordering on line anything except shoes!

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I have not made any other attempts to get the real thing. From what I have read online it's impossible. If you hear of a way, let me know. Likewise, if I strike gold, I'll let you know. I wrote them a fait nasty email and haven't heard back. Good luck!

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3 suppose to be 30 mg Aderall came in a crapy brown envelope and made by TEVA in blister packs of ten! I e-mailed them and they had me take a picture of the fake product. I have yet to see if they will refund me. that sure would be nice. I also paid 200ish for mine. have you any luck with finding the real thing?

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My speckled bluish "Swift" pills with a score and no other imprint arrived from India yesterday. "Royal pharma" was the vendor and they assured me that they are legitimate and that I would receive 60 30mg Adderall for ~$200-something. Did yours arrive in a crappy brown envelope with convincing "Adderall" 30mg TEVA blister packs? I feel like a really big tool. 99% of me knew this had to be scam! After I initially ordered them, I emailed them demanding they forget my order and refund my credit card. They did! And they commented that they are a legitimate pharmacy and most certainly do not scam. Well, they lie. After searching " blue speckled pills" I believe that these pills are phentiramine, the diet aid. The other 2 possibilities are Tylenol sinus (Tylenol plus phenylephrine), and much less likely Vicodin. I'm going to get one of those "test the drug" kits from Walgreens and see if anything comes up. I feel so stupid and am hoping that this is a wake up call. The scum bag druggie in my head really wanted this it work out. Guess it wasn't meant to be.

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Hello, Lorelle! How are you?

No, that's not a logo used by Teva, as far as I'm aware and I can't find any tablets listed anywhere with such a marking.

One of the hazards of obtaining medications from a foreign, non-approved source is the fact that you have no way of knowing what they may send you.

Does anyone else recognize these tablets?

I'll keep looking and post back, when I have information for you.

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