Hydrocodone Withdrawal (Top voted first)


My reg doc has had me on hydros since 09. He recently sent me to a pain specialist who put needles in my spine. The PS gave a Rx of ibuprofen equivalent to 4 reg ibuprofen... I am in more pain now than before. Should I go back to my reg doc to be weaned off of these? I am suffering a migraine, fever, shaking, and my heart feels like it beating out of my chest. I have been taken 2 a day, just as prescribed, I can't tolerate pain like most, I'm very sensitive to pain like I am having!

2 Replies

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Hello, Christin! How are you feeling?

A sudden withdrawal of a narcotic like Hydrocodone could cause rebound pain that can be worse than the pain you were already treating. The same holds true, if your dose was just suddenly lowered.

Is the Ibuprofen the only thing that you're taking, now?

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After multiple surgeries I have been on hydrocodone for several years. Did a slow taper and have been off them for 10 days now. I am now experiencing dizziness, is that a normal part of withdrawal?

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