Does Amoxicillin Go Bad With Age? (Top voted first)


I bought 100 amoxicillin caps about 3 years ago and stored them in a dark place and I was curious if they would still be good to take.

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you probably shouln't take my advice since I'm only 11 but, I read up on it and the article read that you can take amoxicillin 5 years after it expires but don't just take it have your doctor prescribe it to you first. never take it on your own. it could cause another infection 2 times as big! But again I'm only 11 so you don't have to take my advice if you don't want to but thats my best answer.

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does amoxicillin expire

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Yeah well some people can't afford to keep buying the same drug over and over and just throw out all the old ones when you might save even$20 by saving it!

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Im with Candi

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people who have had surgery to correct cardiovascular keep them around in case they need to see a dentist

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Thank you sweetheart... your age doesnt matter if you did the research and it was sweet for you to try to help. So many kids your age worry abou nothing but video games... You're a real Sweetheart for trying

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Actually, no, it does not go bad, it just loses efficacy, so it is not as strong or as potent as when you first bought, starting from about 18 months past the manufacture date.

You should never self-diagnose or self-treat with antibiotics anyway, there are so many other conditions that will not respond to them, so they have no effect, and you of course run the risk of developing an antibiotic resistant strain of something with overuse, so please see your doctor.

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There are other reasons you may have some in your home.. I have a full bottle... I had already did the 10 day thing.... and the infection was not gone yet. My Dr. gave then to me just in case I started to get worse. I was to wait a couple day before I started to take them.. but turned out.. I got better... didnt need them...

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plus there are people that live too far from the dr and has a car that is broke down! i agree with the fact there is nothing wrong with keeping them around for time like now for me, i have pink eye and a 4 1/2 yr old and a 3 month old and my husband is gone working and for sure i need to do what i can do make sure my kids do not get it!! so if i have to take some to help me get better for my kids sake then by gosh im gonna do what i need to do. but thats just my 2 cents!

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Some people find it easier and cheaper to have antibiotics around for when they need them. i have a cronic infection of my adnoids which can quickly lead to inner ear infections. i cant really aford to pay my ent $300 dollars for a visit for a script i can fill for free at my supermarket. Thank you all for the information.

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I think that the 11 year old who posted above is way beyond their years. Well spoken, and accurate. Don't take old antibiotics, they work the best (and safest) when as new as possible. You wouldn't eat 3 year old yogurt, so why take 3 year old medicine?

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Unfortunately, many people do like to pick up things like antibiotics and just keep them around for when they need them.

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The originl post asked if amoxicillin goes bad. I think this was a valid question. Its unfortunate that there has not been one single scientfic answer. Any idiot can say, " dont take expired drugs" "All medicines should be threw away after use" Do you think the person who made this post didnt know that. I am interested to see a truly scientfic answer and not some smart remarks from people who are only repeating the most general rules regarding medicine. These people are going to be sorry when a disaster comes and they have a massive infection and have some old amoxicillin sitting around, Would someone with real knowledge on amoxcillin answer this please.... Dont let these haters get you down mark... You have a good question here...

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there are capsule and tablet form amoxicilin. the capsules expire sooner than the tabs. caps 1-2 years, tabs up to 5 years, but with decreased effectiveness. if the pills have a strong sulfur smell I wouldn't take a chance, only in an emergency e.g. natural disaster, or severe hiking injury.

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How long can amoxicillin be stored for a kid? She has a throat infection she is 6years love to suck her finger this is secound time in amonth she has infection i still have some left should i give her or go to the doc?

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I have 500mg caps that I bought in Spain and have a date of 21/11/2008. Does this mean that i can no longer take these. And is this the date of manufacture or is this the date of expiry???

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Okay, the answer is, no Amoxicillin does not go bad/get dangerous with age, per se, however, it can lose efficacy and may not work as well as it did, when it was new.

This means that taking a standard dose may not effectively wipe out an infection and may actually cause the development of drug resistant bacteria.

Therefore, it is always wisest to see your doctor for a new prescription that isn't expired to have the most effective way of eradicating the bacteria.

So, say we go with Rick's scenario and there is some natural disaster and we all find ourselves in The Stand, without doctor's and new medications readily available, in this instance, you would be best served to increase the dosage, if it's expired, to more effectively treat the relevant infection.


However, there are some antibiotics in the Cycline class, which can be dangerous, after they expire, they can cause severe liver damage and failure, so they would have to be avoided.

Are there any other questions or comments?

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I was in the military USMC to be exact and amoxicillin is good for 164 months passed the expiration.

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I have amoxicllin expired august 2014 can I take them or they won't work.

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Taking old medicine is risky. However I totally understand why no one would want to go through the hassle of seeing a doctor in the midst of sickness. Nor paying to see the doctor. I'm sick right now, I'm a full time grad student and have a full time job. I simply don't have time to see a doctor and get a prescription. I also don't have money, my school insurance only pays for half, and a doctors appointment is WAY too much. So, unfortunately my only option is to take 2 year old Amoxicillin and I'm not happy that it is my only option, but it is.

In Europe you can just go to the pharmacy and tell the nurse your problem, and you can acquire antibiotics this way much cheaper. Things need to be changed in the US, we are being charged too much for everything, especially pharmaceuticals. Can you imagine if you didn't have medical insurance??? Just getting a cold could cost you your whole savings. Sad state of affairs that must be changed!!!

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