Avoiding Pregnancy After Unprotected Sex


I had sex with my bf 19 days before without any protection or pills now my period are missed but till now I did not feel any pregnancy symptoms till now but feeling doubt pl reply me soon and incase if I am wht can I do to prevent it

6 Replies

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plz what type of pill do i av to take after 7days sex

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I had sex with my gf 38 days before without any protection or pills now her period are missed & till now she is feelings pregnancy plz reply me soon and incase if I am wht can I do to prevent it

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I had a sex with my gf 25 days ago.her mensuration period crossed the date but still she doesn't get mensus.plz give any idea about what type of medicine may we use?

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i have completed unprotected sex before 15 days unfortunatly my gf fell to pregnant but we want to prevent the pregnancy.. what can i do to prevent pregnacy please write me

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i had unprotected sex 15 days ago. he said he didn't ejaculate nor do i feel that because it was my first time ..i havent taken any pills for prevention because of what he said... can i get pregnant by that? please do tell me what to do in case..what are the prevention options to avoid pregnancy..?

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I had sex with my bf 19 days before without any protection or pills now my period are missed but till now I did not feel any pregnancy symptoms till now but feeling doubt pl reply me soon and incase if I am wht can I do to prevent it

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