Angelique Withdrawal Symptoms When Abruptly Interrupting The Therapy
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After 5 years of taking Angeliq, I had to drop it from one day to the other after my mamography showed some microcalcifications. As a result, my sleep pattern has changed. I am sleeping between 0 and 3 hours per night. Has someone experienced the same withdrawal symptoms?

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I had a hysterectomy where my uterus and ovaries were removed. My doc put me onto Angelique which I have been taking for 7 years, however my gynecologist has asked me to stop taking it. Now I am worried about how it will affect my lifestyle as I am teaching? Please advise.

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Hi there. I've taken Angelique for almost three years now. (I'm 55 and post menopausal). During this time I've encountered many infections (bladder) and also vaginal soreness etc. Once I travelled abroad and forgot to take it for a few nights and a brown-reddish discharge appeared. When returning home I did my annual medical and told my doctor about the discharge. Tests were done I was sent to the gynecologist for a hysteroscopy. Everything was fine. However, I still experience infections and the discharge and have now decided to stop taking the pill. The discharge and pain is now more. I'm wondering if that would return to normal again after a week or so? Kindly advise your thoughts on this. Thanks so much.

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Hi Verwon:

Thank you for your answer. Yes, I am sleeping better, because I could not do without Angelique, the hot flushes and insomnia did not let me sleep, so I am taking Angeliq again.

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Hello, Nadeige! How are you? Are you sleeping any better, yet?

Yes, many woman going through perimenopause and menopause often have sleep issues due to their hormones, so it is natural that a sudden withdrawal of them would also cause it. The same can occur if someone takes a form of hormonal contraception and then suddenly stops.

As your body readjusts, however, things should improve.

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