Yellow Pill Imprint 36 01 And V On Other Side (Top voted first)


Told it was a vicodan 10/325,, is this true??

2 Replies

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The pill which you are describing is indeed a generic Vicodin tablet, containing Acetaminophen (325 mg) + Hydrocodone bitartrate (10 mg).

For verification, the manufacturer of this pill is Vintage Pharmaceuticals Inc.

Learn More: Acetaminophen + Hydrocodone Details

I hope this helps!

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Thanks so much for including the manufacturer. I recently ran out of mine (Watson) was given one of these by a friend. They worked so much better for me that I decided to endure the pain until today so I could ask my doctor about this brand while getting an epidural. He said there definitely is a difference and I should to get the brand that I want. Can please tell me where they are getting this filled at so I can get these with my new script for here out.

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