When To Start The Pill (Top voted first)


Can you start the pill at anytime or do you have to wait till you start your period?

2 Replies

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Hello, Marie! How are you?

You can start any time, but if it's not on the first or second day of your period, they will not be immediately effective. You'll need to wait a full 7 days, before they will reach their efficacy level in your body to prevent pregnancy, which means no unprotected intercourse, until the 8th day.

However, if you start the first or second day of your period, then they will be immediately effective, since they can prevent ovulation form occurring.

The FDA lists the typical side effects of oral contraceptives as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, breakthrough bleeding and PMS-like symptoms.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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If you start the pill the week before your period and my period hasn't happened yet is that okay?

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