What Strengths Do C10 Xanax Come In? (Top voted first)


Wanting to know what strengths these come in, and in particular the description of each tablet. Specifically, are the 5mg Xanax from C10 brown with just a line down the middle on one side?

8 Replies

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the red devils xanax are 5mg and the c10 are 3.75mg named after the manufacturing plant c10. if you plan to post,any,More thought, make sure you do your homework

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I've never taken them but my bro does, there's red devil's, like standard bar's with r666 on them, fakes but meant to be good and c10s which are purple with no marking other than a line to split, also meant to be 5mgs, new on the scene so I been told

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The Red Devil xanax R666 and xanax on other side deep red killed my brother stopped breathing in his sleep and caused pea cardiac arrest so watch your brother taking them believe me they are dangerous.

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Yes, FireBlasterdz is correct.

There is a 10mg Valium that matches this description. It is also a benzodiazepine that treats the same conditions, the U.S. FDA warns that it carries the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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They do q 5 mg xanax red bars xanax 2 mg bars but red with 666 there called red devil's and I would marry them.

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An illegally pressed pill can be made with ANY amount of an active ingredient. Let's assume "They" are the FDA approved drug companies, and the highest available pill is a 3 mg XR.

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yes u can get 2 types of 5 mg.the 1st are called c10 5 mg xanax.
second type are xanax 5mg red devils

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There is no 5mg Xanax. They come in .25, .5, 1, 2, and 3mg but not 5mgs. You might be mistaken for Valium maybe?

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