Watson Vs. Mylan Generic Lorazepam Side Effects. (Page 2)
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Been on Sandoz mfr. lorazepam for 10 years; no problems; no need to increase dose. Sandoz stopped mfr. Now, can only get these generic's & Actavis. Having lots of troubles getting results; either nothing or zonked. Anyone else w/any experience which mfr. is closer to Sandoz (since FDA approves up to 2% differences in generics). Thank you.

534 Replies (27 Pages)

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Re: John Morris (# 513) Expand Referenced Message

I would suggest you call the independent pharmacies in your area. That is what I had to do, in order to find the Watson lorazepam. If they don’t carry it, they can usually order it for you.

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I am looking for the Watson brand of Lorazepam. Does anybody know what Pharmacy carries Watson?

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Just read the book “Bottle of Lies”.

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Re: Twig7 (# 339) Expand Referenced Message

It’s discontinued, we need to get over it.

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As with all drugs on the market, nothing works the way it used to. The main ingredient might be the same but different pharma companies use different (I’m sure cheaper, inactive ingredients) to save a buck. Pliva originally was the manufacture of trazadone and it was a miracle drug for me. I could finally sleep at night. Then a bunch of different companies started making it and it didn’t work. The side effects are worse than not sleeping. So why bother to take it? This has happened with sooooo many drugs that I am afraid to take anything. My doctor was going to give me a tetanus shot when I got bit by my bird and I said “getting tetanus would probably be better than chancing what the hell side effects I would encounter with the shot. Scary stuff

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Re: Penny (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

What Pharmacy in VA has Lorazepam 1MG Actavis brand?

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Re: Carolina Moon (# 506) Expand Referenced Message

I was told in May that if they did manufacture the small amount they had left, there’s no way to know where it was going and no guarantee who was getting it. I’ve had my pharmacist check every month and he’s never seen anything on the computer. There is a huge difference. Watson is Activis which is right down on the chain as Leading. Watson used to be one of the best Pharmaceuticals out there and for some meds it still is, but not anymore. If you can ever get hold of Mylan hang on for dear life!!! For those who truly have PTSD or severe panic disorder, you know exactly what I mean. My pharmacist was able to find a small amount of the 0.5 Mylan and I normally take two of the 1 mg daily. My doc rewrote the script for the 0.5 four a day, so maybe you can check and see if that is an option. The 1 mg pills were stopped first. I’m down to my last few months now and really in a panic. I may have to switch to alprazolam down the road??

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Re: Carolina Moon (# 506) Expand Referenced Message

It’ll be interesting to see if that “final batch” from Mylan ever materializes

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Re: Deedee (# 500) Expand Referenced Message

I was told the MYLAN Brand would be available in in mid September. Walgreens is substituting my Mylan brand for Watson. Is there a difference?

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I've been on lorazepam since 1990. Does anyone remember the 1mg pills that were really small? I took those for years. Then all of a sudden was given Watson. I guess those small pills were unavailable but they worked super. Now they gave me the Watson/Actavis. I pick it up tonight. Walmart tried giving me leading. I said no thanks. I am more than worried now as the real Watson worked well for me. *sigh* This sucks. I will lose my job if these don't work for me.

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Re: Jamie (# 502) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Jaime, good to hear from you. I got my meds approved and it still has not been smooth sailing. I use to get 90 days at a time now its monthly and it seems to always be something. I was approved for the Ativan brand name but I had to get an advocate involved from my husbands work. I did report leading brand to the fda. Leading called me and I have been dealing with them. I am sure they will say that their meds are ok. So many people are having a lot of issues with that drug. It’s so terrible to suffer with anxiety and panic as it is because pills are not a cure all as I’m sure you know. However to have to be switched around on pills and have them not as effected makes the suffering worse ! We should not have to worry if our meds will be there tomorrow. I never wanted to go on the meds to begin with but was told I had to! Then to get flack from insurance companies and others that’s not their place to do that. The doctors should be the only one making our health decisions.

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Re: Jamie (# 502) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Jamie, did you actually call the pharmacist who told you they were ordering the Mylan for you, those few bottles? I have a few pharmacists filling prescriptions at my pharmacy and he actually hid the bottles so none of the other pharmacists there would use them instead of the Leading to fill other people’s scripts. Maybe your pharmacist did the same thing and it’s not where it usually is an they told the doc they were out. My doc isn’t the one who tells them Mylan, that’s the pharmacist who puts it on your profile. Don’t panic til you talk to the one who was working with you. As of last month before he filled my 120, there was a bottle of over 400. I know for a fact this happened as when I went to get my script last month my guy was in the back and the counter girl said we can’t fill this Mylan as we don’t have it. I told her to talk to Paul. She said he was busy. I told her just please talk to him and sure enough she came back and he had them put away. I just hope to God that girl didn’t see where his hiding spot was, or Paul isn’t there next month and my Mylan May be gone forever. I was hoping these 3-4 mos would buy me time to get complaints through. I hate to ask my doc to change to Xanax, but if I have to, I’ve heard that one hasn’t had the problems the Ativan has. My daughter in another state was given a low dose for her anxiety and she said it works great. We’ll see what happens. I haven’t heard from you or Jamie in a month and wondered what was happening. The new thread they put me on has some very negative people who think I’m nuts and they obviously haven’t had the problems we all have had. Or, they don’t have severe enough PTSD or panic disorder requiring a medicine that actually works!!

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Re: Gabby (# 501) Expand Referenced Message

Just wanted to see where everyone is at. I’m completely frustrated as a few months back my pharmacist told me she ordered the last “60 bottles of the .5 Mylan for me” My Doctor just called to tell me when he called in my script it came back saying they don’t have that brand and called them and they said nope they’re all out. I’m beyond frustrated and worried. What is everyone else taking/doing?!

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Re: Deedee (# 500) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Deedee, I'm in the same boat you're. My pharmacy knew this was going to happen way back in March. He could have done what you have going on (buy enough to cover me) and give me some time to pick up a medical plan (No luck on that) But yet he turned around and ordered some Sandoz which I don't know if they'll work. Even if they do there's a short supply in their warehouse. He told me what the pill looked like but I'm not certain that it's actually Sandoz. Haven't been able to get any replies back on here if it is. As for Mylan I'm sure you maybe right why they're not making it any more. I've heard many other factors as well. But heres the deal with that. If they really are stopping because they can't compete with Leading all they had to do is match their price or sell it a few cents cheaper. What I heard I'm not repeating out here because I can't say it's true. The complaining needs to go to the pharmacies that are buying a product that doesn't work. They are contributing to putting people in a talespin for a few cents. I've spoken to enough pharmacist in the past and just recent that they know many generics do not work for many people. The problem is if they're not a mom and pop most of them don't care. And being it's a benzo it just makes it worst for many. My pharmacies tech has way too much power. I play ring around the rose bush with this individual every time I call. Has no compassion about my situation at all. This too shall pass. Hope things are panning out you all.

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I’ve been on this thread for quite a long time complaining about the poor quality of lorazepam everyone seems to be getting since Qualitest first dropped it, Watson sold out, and now Mylan is slowly being emptied from shelves. I talked to my doctor about this and she understands my frustration and is adjusting my prescriptions to maintain the same dose since this has worked for many years for severe panic disorder. Leading seems to have taken over all the corporate pharmacies due to cost savings, but they don’t care how we have side effects, let alone that an aspirin is just as effective as this Leading brand. I wrote them an email over the weekend and just heard back that Major/Rugby are the ones to blame and we need to call them to complain. I hope anyone who reads this and has the same problem, will call and complain so maybe we can get someone to listen! 866-209-0991 is the toll free number. Since I’m not responding to anyone in particular, I hope Gabby, Jamie, Savannah, and all the rest of you can band together and make our complaints heard. There are very few Mylan still out there if you have a family-owned pharmacy where they truly care about their patients. Mine ordered what he could and put my name on them, but I’ll be lucky to make it another couple months before they run out altogether. Good luck everyone and God bless you!

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Re: Gabby (# 498) Expand Referenced Message

Yes it is a VERY hard job. The two year break I needed to get better but some days are still hard. So many people asked me why I went back there. As bad as it can be I feel it’s where I belong and after all I’ve been through I now sympathize with patients so well and feel I’m more caring than others would be. If that makes sense. I’m glad to hear you found answers, what did you find that works for you!? I hope you have a wonderful 4th as well! 24 more days and I’m on a much needed summer getaway!

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Re: Jamie (# 497) Expand Referenced Message

I've seen med students and mental health techs melt down only after working for clinics and other mental health settings a few days to a few years as you expressed. I've seen two check themselves in a hospital setting when I was in getting meds balanced out.

You either have to have nerves of steel to work in the profession or have no emotions at all. I've seen some that just thrive off others pain without blinking an eye.

The most caring individuals that I've been fortunate to have taken care of me say they have to see someone to decompress. It's not a job for the faint-hearted.

I'm glad to hear that you still have some Mylan coming in. Hopefully they make some more to buy us some time. Meanwhile I think I solved my issue but won't know till after the holidays. The folks I've spoke to are on vacation.

Hope you have an awesome 4th of July..... :)

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Re: Gabby (# 495) Expand Referenced Message

Yes so many people I work with suffer badly and yes mental illness does not discriminate! I actually didn’t have mental health problems until about 3 years after starting my job.. I got physically ill and suffered awhile before docs figured out my diagnosis.. all of that caused severe anxiety panic attacks depression ptsd. No fun. I stopped working to get both my mental and physical illnesses under control.. it’s stoll hard! Mylan well “Ativan” has been the only thing to help. I’ve had severe allergic reactions and just bad side effects with everything. It’s been a rough road.. that’s why I was so upset about the mylan and thankful found this forum to know I wasn’t alone.. but I do have more mylan.. but it’s just scary knowing it won’t be forever.

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Re: Deedee (# 488) Expand Referenced Message

Yes Deedee I knew what pharmaceutical companies do. It surely is about the competition making the most money possible by knocking out their competitors. Hence why so many brand names either cease to exist, sell the patent or they raise the price of the drug to recoup their losses. Is it right? I suppose it depends on each circumstance.

High school friend of mine that's spouse works as a pharmaceutical distributor has told me for years how frustrating it is. She started out working in her folks pharmacy which lead to bigger jobs in marketing and so forth. The job pays well but at times it has it's pitfalls. I've lost contact with them over the years and have been trying to find them to see if they could lead me into a different direction.

I'm sorry to hear that your mom has experienced what you talked about. I do hope she's doing ok now. As much as I can say I don't understand why medical professionals do what they do. I'd like to think it's for our better behalf. But putting someone in a tailspin as it would seem they did with your mom makes no sense. And to put her on something stronger that's hard to grasp as well.

Did you have luck with your pharmacy getting the .5 Mylan. And any word yet whether they're making it yet. It's too late to call them today. Many might have taken a long vacation for the 4th of July. I'm still waiting on a few calls back on my end. I'm not posting the details until I know it might be something to help the rest of us out. I don't want to get anyone's hopes up and then let them down.

Hope you've had good news on your end. Happy 4th to you and yours! -Gabby :)

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Re: Gabby (# 494) Expand Referenced Message

Jamie trust me when I say this. I know alot of mental health employees share the same issues we do. Some of them are worst off then us. Some of them went into the field trying to rid their problems by bouncing them off on their patients. (I had a pdoc -<<---- = psychiatrist) that cared for me like a family member. I knew she struggle something bad. I just didn't know the extent of how bad it was. She lost her license after 40+ years of helping so many. She started over prescribing many meds not only to her patients but was writing scripts to herself. Depression doesn't care who you are. It clouds ones judgment when it takes over. Broke my heart when I was told. So yes I can understand what you spoke about having to stop for a while. Certainly hope you have been able to find Mylan or a alternative.

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