Viibryd As Of Now Has Been Great!!! (Top voted first)


I have suffered from anxiety/depression prob my whole life. I just dealt with it as i did not know much about mental health. I just thought it was life. of course that was not good because its easy to deal when in high school because few to no real responsibilities. Very scary to go to a crowed campus for college with anxiety/depression then you stop going and your parents and peers think its just you and it gets worse etc… I have tried many antidepressants and none have worked or gave me even a feeling of something different except some zombie effects. i just stuck to the typical narcotic medication xanax and adderall. xanax was to help the physical symptoms of my anxiety ex. stiff muscles, just stiff everything, and adderall for the can't think,fatigue etc.. but those medication were only helping get by day to day to a certain extent. no matter how much xanax there was this type of anxiety that did not go away, which led me to wanting to increase my dose. i only can explain it like i have two types of anxiety 1. that makes my body stiff and i turn into a robot and can not relax or sleep. 2. constant worry and negative thoughts. the xanax no matter how much would not help symptom 2, which i believed i need to increase my dose and was taking 4mg a day which will lead to a bad dependence. I actually realized this when i moved and got a new doctor and he talked me into reducing my dose and I was on xanax for 5 years and i would feel the effect of a .5mg still it would help my stiffness. and with the .5 doses there really isn't much withdrawal effect to the next dose as when taking 4mg a day there was no way i could even miss a dose a feel ok. the adderall helped me concentrate and get by with what i had to do. i could excel i just got by. Also no matter how high of a dose there was a fatigue i could not get rid of. Id be awake and up no chance of sleeping but heavy eyes and body fatigue was still present. i usually say that its the symptoms that cause my depression. my whole life I always was stiff even around friends i was stiff when i was nervous. no matter how healthy i ate or exercised my body was stiff and loads of pressure migraines. so that made me less sociable and it dictated my mood. i couldn't plan ahead because i never knew if i would be ok. i tried 6 antidepressants a few mood stabilizers and some bi polar meds. all the known ones. none gave me any hope. i didn't even feel like i was taken anything except for a couple that gave me a zombie effect. Aug of 2014 I got a new doctor. on my first vist i received no medication even though i told her i was on adderall and xanax. she offered me an antidepressant. but held off on the narcotics till she evaluated me and saw i was on meds previously. so my next vist i got vyvanse which i love so much better then adderall, the onset and comedown are so smooth. its sucks that its expensive. i don't have insurance and i pay 280 for a 30 day supply of 40mg vyvanse. my xanax as i write this is .25 3 times a day which i can deal but I'm going to ask for .5 and tell her i will stay on that dose for prob ever as long as I'm on it. for some reason .5 works but .25 as really no effect and i just wait till i really need it and take the all 3 at once. ( I do that because iv been on it for 8 years and know i can handle it, would promote not following the way its prescribed. last month something made me ask for an antidepressant. i said i gotta do something. this is after I told her how i feel that antidepressants are all placebos and pushed by big pharma etc. which i believe some brands are. she pulls bout a packet of Viibrid. a free sample packet with a 30 day supply. i have actually never been given meds like that and didn't know they did that. I thought free samples were like reimbursed payments type stuff. also right away it looked expensive and i never heard of it so prob new and no gernic. so my mind races that big pharma is paying her throughout the back door. i had the same thought when she gave me vyvanse instead of adderall. i held out for 3 days because of this thought. so the free sample wasn't a good impression on me. plus the lack of info when i got home scared me. then i just started taking it. started off with the 10mg for 7 days then 20mg for 7 then 40mg.

I have to say and this post is very long for a reason, because i feel 100% better from a month ago and would say if i was at a zero percent when i went to my doctor the past month i feel like I'm at a 70-75%. what got me going to was about a week in i felt something. I wasn't thinking negative obbseive thoughts. i wouldn't describe it that i was starting to feel happy or anything. but further in that worry that anxiety feels like its gone. i am 5 weeks into this medication. i missed my last appoinment so my doctor called in a script for me for 9 days of 20mg till i see her next week. i was taken 40mg from the free sample so i assume miscommunication. i felt a difference but it wasn't drastic or panic. i felt my obbesive thoughts coming back a little, but i didn't know if it was just in my head, but i feel their was a change. I'm actually pondering if i should just stay at 20mg instead of going back to 40. cause i still feel ok on 20mg and wondering if i should do the rest of the work by changing habits and get going. we have to wait and see. i wish i could say iv been on ViIbryd much longer i feel when i say this is only my 5th week it kinda raises questions. of course next week i can go back to feeling like s***, who knows in a couple years i can have a arm growing out the side of my head and suing the pharma company. i have just relized that yes there are frauds out there and there are also different meds that work different for everyone. besides the fact it kills me that I'm playing right in to big pharmas plan of the free sample of the $300 drug but for some reason i have written this feeling good and wanting to share how good i feel. I read some of the negative comments and I was like how are people feeling s***y, it must be bulls***, you gotta realize that we are all different. if you read vibryidd or any antidepressant website it States they do not know what causes or why their drug helps. it just does they basically tell you. also i feel a little has to do that when i started i told myself its time to find something that works, where as before i took antidepressant like they were being forced down and didn't want to like them. i can only speak for myself and 5 weeks in i feel great. I am in a stable environment and haven't dealt with anything major while I've been on it. so that plays a major factor. when i hit that road block i can possibly end back a square one. I can say though I'm excited for the road block i can actually say i wanna approach a road block soon and see how i handle it. Of course I'm not gonna force anything. don't know what else!!

3 Replies

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Hello, Nick! How are you? Are you still dong well? I'm glad that it's working so well for you.

With some medications, we do know the how and why they work. For instance, the active ingredient in Viibryd, Vilazadone, it a serotonergic, so it acts on serotonin in the brain. It is one of our happy chemicals, sometimes people don't produce enough of it, or other issues such as medications or lifestyle factors may affect its production. By helping to maintain a better balance of it, a person's mood can be better balance.

Typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, mood swings and weight changes.

Can anyone that's taken it chime in?

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In two 8-week studies, patients who used VIIBRYD experienced significant improvement in their symptoms of depression. VIIBRYD is the first drug of its kind approved by the FDA for treating depression in adults. While the exact way VIIBRYD—or any other medication for depression— works is unknown, it is thought to affect the activity of serotonin in the brain.

VIIBRYD is one possible treatment option. Talk to your doctor today to learn more about depression and if VIIBRYD is right for you.

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Thanks for this post. I actually am brand new to this med. curious if you are still on the Zanax? I am so sick of Zanax and being dependent on it, going through them too quickly then being in panic mode that I am running out. Praying this med works for me. Must say every other med made me want to sleep all day. I am up wish is a good thing. Do feel kind of slow confused feeling the last few days. Just hoping my body needs to get used to this new med!

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