Ursodial (Top voted first)



2 Replies

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I am to take Ursodial 3 times a day. I'm a late riser so would it hurt to take 2 at once?

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I know this is a late answer, but there may be other people that require the same information.

So... I really have to say no, it isn't advisable to double up on any medication, unless your doctor has said it's okay to do so.

The reason for it is because most medications work best by having a constant, regular level maintained in the body and that usually requires separate doses.

The best thing anyone could actually do in this situation is to reschedule the times you take them, so you do it when you're awake and can fit in all 3. Perhaps one when you wake up, one at whatever time is your mid-day and then the other at bed time.

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You can learn more Ursodiol details here.

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