Testopel Not Working (Page 2)
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T level was @ 400 but was having all the symptoms of low T so I had 10 pellets inserted 1/23. had levels checked 3/12 and levels went up to only 447 with no real signs/benefits of the pellets. Has anybody else had the testopel not work? I am debating on trying the gel, but I am wondering if that will be effective. Went with the pellets for obvious reasons but am very disappointed with the results.

23 Replies (2 Pages)

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Might be worth giving it another shot. My starting level was 186 and went to 720 at my one month lab work with 12 pellets. Most comments I've read here and on other boards have been very positive. Best of luck.

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I have had the testopel pellets inserted 4 times. All have worked very very very well until the last time which was about six weeks ago. Don't know why. I have 10 inserted every 3 months as I had testicle removed 2 years ago because of chronic infection of prostate which did damage to left testicle. Read somewhere that an increase in soy products can assist in effectivess of testosterone being used in body, but don't know if that is true or not. Hope this helps.

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We've had a few posts about it, but so far they've all been about positive results.

Has your doctor advised you of any reason they aren't working, or what your other options are?


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