Sulfameth And Immune System


I had a severe bacterial prostate infection and was put on Cipro for 2 months with no results. Urologist switched me to Sulfameth and it helped greatly, except some symptoms still persist. He said blood flow to prostate is very minimal, so some men must remain on Sulfameth for long periods, and some indefinitely.

After six months on Sulfameth, slight symptoms are still there. My three questions:

1. Will this long period on the antibiotic Sulfameth cause my body to build up a resistance to the Sulfameth, or any other antibiotics for that matter? I have experienced no side effects so far.

2. Is it true that some men with Prostititus must remain on Sulfameth for life, to keep it under control?

3. With the Bacterial Prostititus still present, could any disease be transmitted to my wife when we have sex?

2 Replies

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Yes, it could cause you to build up antibiotic resistant, but mainly the problem would be with using the antibiotic in the future. And on the side effects, since this is a sulfa drug, it is possible to use it for a long period of time, with no severe problems and then to suddenly have a bad reaction, so you do need to watch out for any odd symptoms.

You can learn more prostratitis details here.

I am not sure about having to stay on the medication for your entire life, I'd think there would be some other options, such as surgery, but this is not my information specialty. Have you tried getting a second opinion?

And the bacterial form usually presents as chronic urinary tract infections and no, your wife cannot catch an infection of this type from you.

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Many thanks, Verwon.

This Surgical option you spoke of: Can you recommend a good link that describes this option in detail......pros and cons and risks?

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