Starting Keflex After Amoxicillin
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I am concerned about starting Keflex because I just finished taking Amoxicillin. Will this be ok?

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Yes, starting a new one, when you've already finished the other is generally not a problem, unless your doctor has specifically instructed you not to do so.

And in many cases such antibiotics are taken together, to better raise the chance of eradicating an infection that hasn't been cultured, so the doctor isn't sure of which one it will best respond to for treatment.

Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, diarrhea and non-allergic skin rash.

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Did you find out if it was okay to start taking this? On the drug info page it says to let your doctor know if you are taking any other antibiotics while taking keflex. But technically if you already stopped taking the amoxicililn then you might be safe to take keflex. Sometimes you might be prescribed a different antibiotic so that the bacteria don't build a tolerance in your body to the original one you were on. But it is definitely best to triple check with your doctor about this. Is it for the same infection or for a new infection as when you were first on the amoxicillin ?

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