Sores In Mouth (Top voted first)


Starting my third week tomorrow on Chantix and having the same problem I had with it a couple of years ago. About 3-4 weeks ion, I start developing sores in my mouth. Mostly tip of the tongue, inside the bottom lip. Called my Dr. last time and he told me to quit taking the Chantix. I was smoking again within days. I am doing so well on this that I hate to quit taking it, but really can't stand the pain from the sores. Any thoughts? Thanks.

5 Replies

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You should really contact your doctor, because the sores may be the sign of a possible serious and dangerous reaction to the medication.


If it isn't dangerous, they may be able to advise you of some way to treat them, or minimize the pain.

Does anyone else have any advice to add?

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I had the same problem, it seemed as soon as one would go away another would form. Once I cut down my dose to 1/2 pill once a day the sores went away and stayed away. Hang in there if you can and know it won't last forever.

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I asked my dentist and they said when you quit smoking that the blood vessels and blood supply begin to increase in your mouth and in addition to the sores your gums are likely to bleed more.

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I am on the chantix too. I am prone to getting the cold sores; always have and here I am in week 3 and have 3 of them. 2 are together forming in the lower portion of my gums & the other is in the upper section of the other side. I am going to tough it out. I have had the sores now for 4 days. I just rinse out my mouth often with salt water and try and keep my teeth clean as possible.

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Will my IBS cause canker sores? My stomach is hurting really bad and I have sores in my mouth which also hurt.

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